Wednesday, February 24, 2010


How many of you remember that there is a Well in the plans for our Lake. As the "Boss" tells me it is supposed to replenish water that was taken out to irrigate the trees, plants, and lawns. You normally think about this Well in "dry" season when Lake water goes down.

Last year residents were told that the developer attempted to establish a viable well. During the drilling process water was found, however it was salt water and not not usable in our Lake. The developer indicated that they (PULTE) would try again in another location to the South.

March will be one year since the above was reported. Hopefully there will be a 2010 statement on this subject from the Developer


Bruno said...

I was at the meeting when this was discussed tonight. Please don't send a message if you don't know what it was. Your paid good money to publish this site. The jokes are terrible, so at least offer fact, not assumption.
Thanks, from a guy you know from the "job"

Jersey Chief said...

Your input is appreciated however "you have your wires crossed" on all points. Contribute if you must, but try to be neighborly.