Monday, August 29, 2011


Everyone is up North at home so one might expect fewer jokes. That is not the case. 

We have been getting a ton in the mail and weed out what we think will pass the test with you guys, and our friend Bruno. Here is the best for August.

Why God Loves Blonds 

A blond finds herself in dire trouble. Her business has gone
bust and she's in serious financial straits.
She's so desperate that she decides to ask God for help. She
Begins to pray...

"God, please help me. I've lost my business and if I don't
Get some money, I'm going to lose my house as well.
Please let me win the lotto."

Lotto night comes, and somebody else wins it.
She again prays... "God, please let me win the lotto! I've
Lost my business, my house and I'm going to lose my car as well."
Lotto night comes and she still has no luck.

Once again, she prays... "My God, why have you forsaken me?
I've lost my business, my house, and my car. My children are starving.
I don't often ask you for help, and I have always been a good servant to you. 

PLEASE just let me win the lotto this one time so I can get my life back in order." 
Suddenly there is a blinding flash of light as the Heavens
Open and the blond is confronted by the voice of God Himself... 

"Sweetheart, work with Me on this.  Buy a ticket."

Sunday, August 28, 2011


This is what the streets of New Providence, N.J. look like this morning after Hurricane Irene "visited" the Garden State last night. 

Our daughter lives in this area. She has reported that her electric is out, but their generator is working.  So far the houses are above water, but the Passaic River is a short walk from where this picture was taken. We hope is doesn't creep any higher.

Friday, August 26, 2011


At last glance the stock is selling at $4.48  

Our purchase price was $6.46 

Wow is all that needs to be said.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Yesterday there were a couple of rumors circulating about our restaurant. One should know that if it doesn't come from the Horses mouth, then it is likely to be coming from the other end of the Horse. 

There were no facts available until this morning. The information we obtained is as follows:

Rick's Place will cease operating here as of Sep. 21, 2011

Pulte has not named a successor.

As facts become available we will post them here for your information.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I am back from a great trip up to NJ. I stayed at my daughter's (Cathy) house.  

She has three kids and usually there is a lot of noise, and motion going on there. The good thing is it is organized. Cathy does a great job.

The main purpose of the trip was to see "The Baby" get baptized. I see "someone" ventured on my keyboard and already wrote about this.  I must admit he did a good job, right Bruno?.  Thanks for watching !

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


"Goodnight Irene, Good Night. Stop bothering me about shutters."

"All this storm, with your name on it,  is going to do, is make a little noise. There is no need to put those  "*^%#"  shutters up, or pay to have it done. It is a waste of time!"

Of course there is a slight chance that Irene may be right, and use of those shutters just might be appropriate. That is why one has them after all. Better to be safe than have to explain why they were not up to an Insurance Adjuster.

If you want to track Irene as she gets closer our  Safety Team recommends this site:   

They have been giving us this site for the last couple of years,  especially  when there just may be a real need. The Gang also suggests that you take pictures of  your house with the shutters installed, as well as anything else that was secured.

Now lets hope for a Big NOTHING.

Monday, August 22, 2011


I closed my eyes the other day and thought there were all sorts of sounds and music around me. When I opened my eyes I knew it was from Town Center.

The sound drew me closer and I thought I recognized one of the voices. As they said years ago it was "A Flash from the Past." Here they are, my favorite group,  in "Yesteryear Mode."

Yes Sir, singing with "Our Gang" was one of the original singers from that old New York group. I recall their name was the "Mail Men."  Well one of the guys really lives here in "The Walk."  He is very active with the Community's Chorus. He is doing a great job.

Click below for their hit song performed by Someone Else.  It is almost as good as the original.

Buddy Holly - Mailman bring me no more blues‏ - YouTube

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Every few years somebody's name pops into the memory tank and there is a huge gasp. How have we forgotten? 

The Queen says "We sent a card."  The goof up here came from Captain Keyboard. Well, He didn't forget this year, so:

                 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDY

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


It usually is sunny in the morning so one better get up and out to the Beach early, or forget about it. We drove to the Naples Pier and enjoyed looking at all those nice homes on the way.

We found a couple of days recently where we heard the Gulf calling.

The water temp was good, the sun was hot, and a good book made for a great time in front of the Naples Pier.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This is the reason the Lady went to New Jersey. It was about a one hour ceremony for baby Joanna.

The little thing looked quite tired. As a matter of fact her mom looked tired and handed her off to the Godmother - Cindy.

After the one hour event the adults are said to have retreated to New Providence, NJ where a backyard was set up for a big celebration - for the adults.

Now we are hearing that two day's later these adults are still in "celebration mode,"  and our baby is still doing her sleep thing. Oh well that is par for the course.

Congratulations Joanna !!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


It seems like yesterday, but a lot of time has gone by. Eighteen years since the wedding in Summit, NJ.  Now it is Anniversary Time.

We hope Miss Cheryl and her Husband enjoy their special day. We all wish them well - again, and again.


Saturday, August 13, 2011


'Oh Boy' by Buddy Holley was a great song. It was full of life, and honestly when I hear it I bounce a little. Even Mr. V.W. Resident tries to shake and smile when he hears it. We have to put the Safety Gang on high alert when that song plays just in case he throws his hip out..

Well times have changed and this "post" has nothing to do with Mr. Holley who is long gone, having died in 1959. It is kinda depressing, but you can laugh and smile if you don't take it serious.

The song featured here is called 'Coffins at Costco.'

We can see that already there is a lack of smiling. There is however, a big BUT to the situation. This song was performed by a resident and good neighbor so that is why some space is being made here. Somewhere below a "Click" should bring this tune to you. Joe also has a second song at the site that will make you head to the Airports. It's called ' God Bless the TSA'

Friday, August 12, 2011


There have been many reports stating a glass of wine a day is good for you. Below (I sure hope it copied this correctly) is a picture which gives one another reason to have that glass of "vino." Hope you enjoy it.


We are proud to report that Centennial Bank on Marco Island has named our daughter, Laura, the recipient of their Star Teller Award. This is a monthly recognition program that is open to all Florida Centennial Bank Tellers.

Good job Laura !!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


The "Old Guy" sneaked out yesterday. He got trounced at Town Center playing that game: Rummy Cube. But after the beating It was learned that this is a good group and we went to the River Walk Restaurant (Coupons in Hand). Everyone enjoyed a very nice meal.

BUT I think I owe someone a quarter for the beating at Rummy Cube.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Wow how times fly.

She is still a teenager. A mere Seventeen, and the "Old Guy's" protector. Today is her birthday. This is her Seventeenth. We are all proud of her.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


This young Lady is leaving Verona Walk, and her keyboard for a few days up North.

I'll be checking on a handful of grandchildren and attending one Christening. Most of the time I will be in N.J. There is a chance I may also do some visiting in Manhattan. Just maybe I'll have a glass of wine, and look for errors in the local paper - The Star Ledger. That could be fun.

I'll leave The "Old Guy," and a neighbor in charge of the blog. They know not to do anything to cause property values to go down.
He does mostly pictures. The neighbor does they keyboard. They have been instructed to use spell check. If they "mess" with property values Bruno will have to get in line to "ring their necks." I am sure they will behave.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Hey folks, here is another "Heads Up" for you regarding your well being.

Two of our safety contributors were with a group at Town Center when a resident advised that a Bear had visited their street located in the rear of our community. It was reported that The Bear overturned garbage cans during early morning hours. Apparently Mr. Bear was looking for food.

We believe this report to be true, and mention it so you can just stay alert. Remember Safety Starts at Home.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Our Grandson, Connor, is just like every other kid.

When it comes to one of those nebulizer treatments it is all fight, fight, fight.

Yeah Right!!!. He fell asleep in about one minute.

By a close vote we have decided to Keep Him. He's a good kid and some day we hope he may visit Verona Walk. That would be very nice.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


A member of our Blogs' Safety Gang was recently at The Publix Shopping Center. She noted that the Dollar Tree had a huge sign up advertising Last Minute "Hurricane Supplies." It was worth taking a look.

It mentioned batteries and flashlights, among other items. It just might be worth grabbing a few things. You can never have enough.

It is time to stock up if you haven't already done so. Preparation, as we all know, is the Best Defense during our Summers' Hurricane Season.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


When the rains come they almost always wash away some of the mulch around the driveway. That becomes a mess.

A solution is to place landscape stone down in place of the
Mulch. The stone won't float, and will give a nice appearance. All that is needed is an OK from Town Center. The process was reasonably quick and easy.

had a sale on the stone so a purchase was made for enough stone to do the job. Here is the problem. I remembered the sprinkler only after I covered it.

Well special thanks to Town Center for getting the crew out to "locate" the sprinkler head. It was dug out and now functions quite well.

Thanks Guys.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


The Lady knows best - The "Old Guy" does have a lot of
BLUE shirts. He enjoys wearing them even if not participating in a lost child safety drill during the heat of a hot Summer day.

It is always best to show those shirts off at the Beach. There are no complaints from anyone. It is just a great time to relax, and enjoy the day.

Of course when the day is over This Lady has to wash another shirt. This is what we call retirement. Well thanks to his Queen for taking care of him and those blue shirts.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The two guys on the outside of the l.ower Row are 1200 miles away from their home in beautiful Naples, FL. They are not lost! They traveled North to visit their cousins in New Jersey.

Thanks to the young lady with the camera we got a picture to share. The five "cousins" are: Zak, Conner, Cameron in the bottom row, and Haakon and Katelyn.

They are all grandchildren, and represent a tad less then half of our flock. It's good to see them together; it's good to see one guy in a
Blue Shirt (We like that color); and it's good the Lady here, in The Walk, doesn't have to wash it.

Monday, August 1, 2011


The Lady informs me that there are no major Birthdays in August. There is One Anniversary and she will go check so we can make the comment on the correct date. I know My Lady will help with that. She is very good with these things.