Monday, September 30, 2013


The "Viva" for October and November 2013 is available now at Town Center. 

If you can't get it in person use the link below for on line version. Check it out !


This funny is a recent contribution from one of our good neighbors. Hope you enjoy it.  Feel free to change the political affiliation around if you would like to share this humor.

Florida Flat Tire

I was traveling between West Palm Beach and Boca Raton the other day (south
of Jupiter) when a tire blew out. Checking my spare, I found that it, too,
was flat. My only option was to flag down a passing motorist and get a ride
to the next town.

The first vehicle to stop was an old man in a van. He yelled out the window,
"Need a lift?"

"Yes, I sure do," I replied.

"You a Republican or Democrat," asked the old man.

"Republican," I replied.

"Well, you can just go to Hell," yelled the old man as he sped off.

Another guy stopped, rolled down the window, and asked me the same question.

Again, I gave the same answer, "Republican."

The driver gave me the finger and drove off. I thought it over and decided
that maybe I should change my strategy, since this area seemed to be overly
political and there appeared to be few Republicans. The next car to stop was
a red convertible driven by a beautiful blonde. She smiled seductively and
asked if I was a Republican or Democrat.

"Democrat!" I shouted.

"Hop in!" replied the blonde.

Driving down the road, I couldn't help but stare at the gorgeous woman in
the seat next to me, the wind blowing through her hair, perfect breasts and
a short skirt that continued to ride higher and higher. .

Finally, I yelled, "Please stop the car." She immediately slammed on the
brakes and as soon as the car stopped, I jumped out.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"I can't take it anymore," I replied. "I've only been a Democrat for five
minutes and already I want to screw somebody."

Sunday, September 29, 2013


These guys showed up Saturday afternoon and prevented a boring afternoon with a book.

Instead of reading the "Old Guy" let the bigger monkey play with a badge he purchased up in Orlando. It is a treasure (the Badge), and so are the little guys.

It didn't take long for Miss Cali to get in the act and demand a picture with her brother. After the picture they teamed up to wear us older folk out completely. But they made for a good afternoon in the "Walk."

In addition someone slept to 11:00 AM this (Sunday) morning  !!!

Friday, September 27, 2013


We got the word a couple of hours ago that our daughter, Cathy, gave birth to her fourth child.

This is our fourteenth grand child, and I can't count any higher. Fourteenth, Wow !

Cathy and Jason named their son Ryan.


WE are still at it. Watching money that we never spent grow to a profit we will never see.

We invested an imaginary $6.42 per share some time ago. Now look at it:  $16.57.

That is great. Definitely in the GREEN. The time however has come to sell. There is a ten dollar per share profit, and it is just good sense to take it. We will keep an eye on it just for fun.

Friday, September 20, 2013


Thank God we are on "high" ground. Our lake water is up, and we seem to be happy about that; however a couple of miles from here it is a different picture.

Our daughter took the above picture at the end of her driveway. This is scary.

We are keeping an eye on the weather forecasts. I hope this water subsides before the next rain. Better yet lets hope no rain for a couple of days.

Maybe we can start building "LJ" an Ark !


Verona Walk Golf Tournament

October 17, 2013 Thursday at Hibiscus Golf Course
7:45 AM – SCRAMBLE - Shotgun Start at 8:30 AM Sharp

Ladies & Gents All Level of Play

Donation $75.00 Includes Lunch at Erin’s Isle
Lots of Prizes. We also welcome Donation for Prizes, etc.
Day full of fun, prizes and many “laughs”... Don’t miss out

Open to all Verona Walk Ladies & Gents.
Chose your foursome or we can place you

Send your check (s) made out to:
Henry Brueggeman   8923 Verducci Court Naples, Fl 34114

Please include phone number and e mail address.

Monday, September 16, 2013


It's me, the neighbor. I was half asleep when the phone rang. He must have borrowed a phone as the Caller ID read:  Walt Disney.

It was both of them. They wanted to check on me. I've been good, but I forgot to post his darn cell phone pictures from the other day. 

They went to the Forest Gump Shrimp Spot, probably on the above boat. That was just to visit  Planet Hollywood. They actually ate at T-Rex.

She texted He is rejuvenated by his visit to the Tree of Life. He didn't say anything about his Badge Show in Orlando. Hope He had Fun with all those Cops.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


He is paying the price for all those police badges he has. It is time to take them to a show, but as usual there is a big price to pay.

"The Queen" says, "If you go to that Orlando Police Show I get to go to Disney for a couple of days."  Deal !

He packed his collection and hopes to do some buying and selling there. He is looking for this item in particular. It has alluded him for 45 years.

"The Queen" says she will be happy with her findings at Hollywood Studios. Maybe she will  fly that Indiana Jones Plane pictured below. 

Well it certainly looks like a good trip. The trusty neighbor will tend to the keyboard.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The wheels of justice move slowly, but they do move.

A hearing has been set for the 19th of September.  Judging from the people seen coming on and off progress has been made.

The pictures above show "progress" in the form of a notice on the front door, while the second picture shows status quo regarding mess n the lanai.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This past Sunday the gang was at Town Center in what has become known as the battle for the quarter. The winner of each game, to make it interesting, plays for .25. That also pays the way for laughs and conversation.

The name of the game, as if you don't know, is Rummy Kube.

It is played Wednesday and Sunday at 2:00 PM and Thursday (if you can stay awake) at 7:00 Pm.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Wow.  All this rain is putting things in the water. That's right in our canals.

I drove by the other day and saw two tiny island  that just sprouted up out of nowhere. One even has a little fence around it. I guess that is to keep alligators out.

I was told these  6' x 6' floating islands are to help the water quality in the canals.

They have been placed, at a modest expenditure, for the purpose of collecting "nitrates" which is bad for our waterways.

This looks like a very good move.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Summer is almost over and it is time to have another fabulous trip to SHULA'S.

The date is Sep. 19 (Thursday) and the time is Noon.

This lunch, now in its fourth year, is  sponsored by the VeronaWalk Gentlemen's Group which has been providing a variety of activities for our men and women to enjoy.

This promises to be another great time.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Despite a late notification and a little confusion there was a large crowd of VeronaWalk Gentlemen in attendance at their monthly luncheon.

The report that we received was there were well over thirty men present at PORKY'S on Collier Blvd.

They had great food and a decent price for the choice of four items on the special lunch menu. Of course they enjoyed the good times that comes naturally with their planned agenda.

Look for the next announcement for the October VW Gentlemen's Lunch. Join in the fun.

Friday, September 6, 2013


"See the USA in Your Chevrolet"

Do you remember that tune, and that show? It is making a return. 

So put a dab of Brylcreme in your hair and jump in your Chevy Convertible to come to the show.

It will be on stage in VeronaWalk's Town Center in Feb of next year (2014).

The dates are Feb 28 and March 1 and 2. Tickets are $26.00 p/p non refundable.

Proceeds will benefit children in Southwest Florida !!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I don't know how your Mother could think I would forget. I know September 4 is "Your" Birthday". I was there !

I remember the day you were born very well. It was in Phillipsburg NJ. Whoever heard of that place anyway. It was a cold day, and there was snow and ice all over, plus the bridge was out, but it did not deter me from getting your Mom to hospital in the nick of time.

The Doc was a hillbilly if I ever saw one. He was good though, and got you planted here on our little world nicely. 

Hard to believe it was twenty-five years ago today. That good looking "Guy" is me with her in the Jersey Mountains.


Monday, September 2, 2013


Attention VeronaWalk Gentlemen - The First Wednesday of the month is almost on top of you.

It is time to sign up for lunch with the best group of Gentlemen in The Walk. We are now in our seventh year of fine lunches to area restaurants, and seek your attendance on Sep. 4th at Noon. Porky's is your destination.

This month the group will journey to nearby Golden Gate and enjoy an  agenda filled with Food, Fun, and Friendship.  Sign up now.

See you at Porky's on Sep 4th.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


The Old Guy has been lazy again about doing his research and getting ready to make his comments on "big dates." 

I'll leave this reminder so he knows there is a birthday in a couple. I am sure he would remember anyway. Lets see. Check in a couple days (three to be exact).