Thursday, December 31, 2015


Hey Everybody,  Congratulations for putting another year (2015) behind you. Enjoy that last evening with your family and friends. Then join the World to welcome 2016.

Best of wishes for a 



Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Another year has gone by and I must say that tracking this purchase of the builders stock has been fun.

At the time of the original expenditure of $642 I was not quite happy with Mr Pulte, and might even have wished the stock fell through the floor. I also didn't have a spare $642.

With time I now wish I had that small amount of money needed to buy 100 shares. It would have been worth it. Initially I would have been thrilled to see the stock bottom off. I would have been in the Red and not happy.   

Well everything (OK not everything) that goes down reverses direction. Look at it today. We are in the Green and the stock is up to $21.37 per share! Not Bad.

Monday, December 28, 2015


I see by the email names that have built up on this joke as it goes around the Community that many of you think it is funny. I did too, but also thought a tad risky for me to post. None the less I will since so many of you are forwarding it. Laugh, and don't kill the "Blogger."  Here it is:

Last night I was driving home from Walmart and listening to a sports call-in program carried by WGN in Chicago on SIRIUS.   

People were calling in, very upset, about the goat's head that was sent to Cubs owner Tom Ricketts at Wrigley Field.  

Then some guy called in from Mississippi and said, "Why are you people so upset 'cause someone sent a goat's head to Wrigley Field?   Aren't you Chicagoan's the same guys that sent a horse's ass to the White House?"


Friday, December 25, 2015


Christmas has arrived in VeronaWalk !

We were well prepared.  My Queen began this past Summer with the usual: "I don't know what to get this one or that one !?!"  She figured it out.

Next came setting the tree (s) up. I let "Her" do all the decorating. It is safer that way. I just say Good job (As usual).  

Take a look at the  500+ lights on her Christmas Tree. It looks great !  She always enjoys the Tree and this time of the year.



Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Regrettably we have had some mischief in the Community over the last few days. We hope this is nothing more, not that we condone it, then kids and some dumb mischief.

Just in case we are bringing in extra security to chase off anyone in the wrong spirit.

The rest of you keep your eyes open and report the unusual to the Sheriff. Do not engage, just observe and report.


Sunday, December 20, 2015


Below is a picture of Valerie Jarrett. It is from 1977, and purported to be from her Stanford University Yearbook.

We could not verify that the statement next to her name is correct, so take it for what it is worth. We are somewhat shocked and disbelieving, but, what if it is true?  Again we do not know for sure if this is accurate.


Saturday, December 19, 2015


Sam Snead's was the location of the VeronaWalk Gentlemen's Group's fourth "Seasonal Party. The seats allotted to the group were sold out.

Shortly after the "Lady" in Charge called the group to order the sound of bells, jingling in the bar area, was heard. You know who it was. Funny, even at our ages, we still believe. It was Santa Claus.

The bearded man did his best to go "ho, ho ho," but it was the appearance of his Bermuda Shorts that got the best laugh. He did try to tell a couple of jokes. Thank God we did not have anyone with a big hook to pull him off stage. Thank you Jerry !!!

After that Santa got serious and, working with names pulled from a box, gave away some very nice stained glass Christmas Tree ornaments. They were very nice indeed, and were made and donated by Richard "C".  Sam Snead's donated two gift cards. So at the end of the day we had seven people go home very happy with their gifts.

When Santa left we ate. It wasn't chicken or burger, but Salmon over Rice. Those who had the Beef Stroganoff reported that, it too was fabulous.

Can't wait to next year. 


Friday, December 18, 2015


I know what the little kids are doing. They are writing their lists, and waiting for Santa. Well good for them.

I am sorta doing the same thing. I am checking airline arrival times and fixing to go to RSW (That's the airport in case you did not know).

Soon the plane will land and I will have a visit from the "North."  The North-land is New York City. Now Santa doesn't live there, but my daughter does and she will be coming soon for a Christmas visit!



 Look what we found!

It is ugly, but maybe that is why it is so friendly. We are going to keep it a while.

The "Old Guy" is checking with AKC to see if this creature has sound roots, and, of course, is it valuable if we want to sell it. Any takers.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Today is our baby's birthday. She is our little Princess even though she has a family of her own. Would you believe she is 25. Well that is what the "Old Guy" yelled to me to enter here. Age doesn't matter. We are proud of her and wish her a great day.



Saturday, December 12, 2015


Snip Snip. That is what you hear when "Land Care aka True Green" goes by and trims the grass. When they are done the area around our homes, and the lake, looks pretty good. 

"Wow" is maybe what you hear when you have found $170K in funds to be saved with a new landscape deal on the horizon.

The bidding process for Land Maintenance revealed the fact that the Community has been paying at least $170,000 per year more than a fair going rate fee.

Learning about this overcharge comes as a result of now using the bidding process. It also shows clearly that there is a need to review and enforce our management contract.  


Thursday, December 10, 2015


This past Sunday (Dec 6) we went with a small group to Ft Lauderdale to see the Christmas Pageant performed by the members of the Baptist Church. This was our fourth time seeing the show.

The cast includes members who are as young as a few days old (He played baby Jesus). Others were young children, and young adults.

Some cast members played the role of ill people to be cured by The Lord.

Through the performance we observed the last super, crucifixion, and the Resurrection. These scenes brought goose bumps to some, and tears to others. 

Following the show we had dinner upstairs in the Church's dinning room. This was certainly a great meal. Yes, dessert was included.

Enjoy some pictures from the show.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Most of you know that we were from New Jersey. What you didn't know is the "Old Guy" associated with this Blog also has his hand in music management. 

One of our "Stars" also from N.J. just released what we hope is a giant hit. Because you guys frequent this Blog we have placed a link below so you can see his picture album. He is such an incredible talent.   Click below for his picture album with friends:

The wonderful picture (that is, because I took it) is of the fabulous "Jersey Joe" practicing turning his radio "on/off". It is a major part of his act. 

If you see Joe around ask for an autograph !


Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Yup, that's what we are calling it. We seem to always have a need to get away from here for some "down time (wife words).

So where are we going? One should know  not to ask that question. It's DISNEY again, and the Boss will be driving the above red car.

The "trusty neighbor' is away so we will just let the keyboard sit idle for a while. We leave soon for Coronado Springs (pictured above - I think). Certainly we will be back before Christmas Day.


Saturday, December 5, 2015


Members of the VeronaWalk Gentlemen's Group enjoyed a fine lunch at Bill's Steak and Seafood Restaurant  on Wednesday December 2.

There was a large group of men in attendance which seems to hint that the "Snow Birds are Back".

Featured on the menu was "Swordfish" which was an excellent choice. Judging from the smiles on their faces the men certainly seemed to enjoy themselves.

Inside the Community the Romeo Group also is sponsoring a lunch which will help keep our men well fed. Give them a try.


Thursday, December 3, 2015


The VW CONTRACTS COMMITTEE met Dec 2, 2015 at Town Center. The meeting started at 4:00 PM.

The Management Contract was the primary item on the agenda.

A secondary item was a joint review of bids on  "proposed landscape contract" was adjourned as the Landscape Committee has yet to organize.


Tuesday, December 1, 2015


On Sunday, Dec. 6, We checked our lists to see who was "naughty or nice" and took those of us who were nice to Ft. Lauderdale.

We enjoyed a quiet ride across Alligator Alley and were met at the Chuch. We secured our tickets and took our seats, excellent seats at that.

This was a two hour and thirty minute show and worth the expense to see it. The camera guy had his fun and took the following pictures.



The "Old Guy" fell asleep and left this job to me. He would remember if awake so I give him a point for that. Look around the middle of the Month for a full post regarding daughters birthday.


Sunday, November 29, 2015


A blonde suspects her boyfriend of cheating on her, so she goes out and
buys a gun. 

She goes to his apartment unexpectedly and when she opens the
door she finds him in the arms of a redhead. Well, the blonde is really

She opens her purse and takes out the gun, and as she does so, she is
overcome with grief. She takes the gun and puts it to her head
The boyfriend looks over and yells, 'No, honey, don't do it!!!'

The blonde replies, 'Shut up, you're next!'


Saturday, November 28, 2015


We continue to watch our imaginary investment in Pulte Stock. At the time we started this we made the initial purchase for $642 or $6.42 a share as we bought 100 shares.

Over the years we have seen the bottom line go into the RED and lose around a third of our investments original purchase value. For the last couple of years we have been on the GREEN side.

Today's price is $19.91  per share. Not bad.


Sunday, November 22, 2015


Just a few years ago today the, now "Old Guy," landed here on our planet. Today is a day for him to celebrate.

Imagine the things that have been seen in his life time, and yours too.  

Well we wish the best to our Blog Producer on his special day. We salute him. Doesn't he still look young?



Friday, November 13, 2015


Sam Snead's will host the VeronaWalk Gentlemen's Group's annual Seasonal Party.  The date is Dec 16.

Sign up early as this luncheon was "Sold Out"  last year.

Reports are coming in that Santa may again pay a visit.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


This past Wednesday a large group of Gentlemen journeyed to Goodland, Fl to enjoy their "First Wednesday Luncheon" at the Old Marco Lodge.

The Baked Fish Sandwich was the number one choice this time. The report was that it was great.

The guys paid $15 and that made them quite happy. Next Month the lunch will be at Bills.

For those looking to eat some more try the Romeo Lunch at Cafe Verona. This one is also attended by a fine group of Gentlemen.


Friday, November 6, 2015


by D Beyer

There was a large turnout at the Nov. 4 Board Meeting. This was the largest turnout ever observed by this writer.

The crowd act like one would expect them to. The were rumors that there would be fireworks as a result of the sudden resignation of the Town Manager over the prior weekend.  

The issue of the resignation came to the floor by statement of the Board President. He described the decision as sudden and part of an overall difficult weekend. Apparently the Manager's husband send threatening emails to the Board and Committee members.

The statement by the President quickly moved to the introduction of our Interim Manager. He made a brief statement of his desire to help us get through some difficult times. He fielded a few questions from the audience to their satisfaction.

Next on the agenda was the subject of $34,000. This amount was cut from the budget. It was recognized that two popular half time employees could lose their jobs. After discussing the issue again the Board voted to restore the funds .

It is believed that next years monthly homeowner dues will not increase. That seemed to put a lot of smiles on people's faces. 


Wednesday, November 4, 2015


The Boss didn't have time to write this so I will. Once again they are off traveling. This time they are going to NJ.

The Lady's Mom is not feeling well so a lot of time will be spent with her. Lets wish her well. 

I, their trusty neighbor, will keep the keyboard up to date. If you have news send it in.


Monday, November 2, 2015


It was reported Sunday Nov 1, that our on-site manager has ended her tenure with this community. This report follows a difficult budget process. 

Just prior to her decision to leave VW, several harassing emails were sent to Board Members. These documents were authored by our managers' husband. 

We remain hopeful that these events will unite the community and support all Board Members who must guide us through the next few weeks.

(D. Beyer)

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Well, as boss I know there is one big birthday this month. I think there might be some other holidays too.


Saturday, October 31, 2015


by, D.Beyer

Disgusting as this may seem  the husband of our Town Manager sent four emails Saturday Morning telling Officers of our Community that:  "If I find you in a dark alley, I will break your f_____ neck and leave you for carrion..."

The recent work on the now adopted 2016 budget appears to be the source of the Gentleman's anger. He however has  No Business getting involved in his wife's employment.

One could expect a family member, maybe grinding their teeth, upon hearing of a mates' problem in the work world, but to inject themselves into that situation is, being nice, OVER THE LINE. 

Making this rant more serious is the fact that in a second email He wrote, that his words were not alcohol related, not that that would excuse him. He stated: "This is stone cold sober Saturday morning."

This matter has been called to the attention of our local Sheriff for investigation.  

We trust those on the receiving end of this crazy threat are feeling Okay. They deserve our full support. 




We have learned that our Board of Directors has finalized the 2016 Budget. They did at almost midnight hour, figuratively speaking, but they did it. Not only is the work done, the Guys, within a buck or two, held the line, for us, in making next years budget. Congratulations Board of Directors !

This blog was fortunate to get a summary of this development. We appreciate him giving us valuable time, and share some information with our friends and neighbors.

Most important is the fact that the Board cut $300,000 from next years spending and this will result in no increase in our dues. This is a Major Accomplishment.

In addition The Board increased our  Reserve Funds by $25,000. This too is an accomplishment to be recognized.

After our Contracts Committee reviewed and released language for "Bids" for a new Landscape Contract, developed by Board Member Korba, the bidding process produced a savings in spending of $170,000. That is, as that TV Car Salesman always says, "IS HUGE !"  Great job to everyone involved. 

Two other areas that produced major cuts are in Salaries and Contingencies. The salary cuts came as a result of the elimination of two part-time positions. This will reduce spending by $34,000. The Contingency fund was also cut by $25,000. These two add up to a nice amount. We should be very pleased.

The new budget came about  only after an open effort that included, not only our Board, and various Committees, input from residents. Our thanks to all our fellow residents for their work, and to Mr Denkensohn for answering our questions and sharing this information.


Friday, October 30, 2015


That monthly lunch group, The VeronaWalk Gentlemen, will have their next lunch on Nov 4, 2015.

It will be in Goodland, Fl. The host will be the OLD MARCO LODGE. They say, "The view hasn't changed in 10,000 years." Check it out.

Time to sign up Gentlemen.  The cost is $15 (as usual).


Thursday, October 29, 2015


Once again  another month has almost past, and we take a peek at our builders stock. Our original investment was for 100 shares at $6.43 or $643.

Today we are happy as the investment is in the green and the value has tripled. That is cool. Last price.  $17.92

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Well not even a week after the cruise and our house is being hit by gremlins, or little cats.

In this case it turns out to be "Cali Cat", our Grand Daughter. She likes to dress up. She likes to use make up.  And she loves to have her picture taken.

We know someone in VW that will oblige and post her picture for all to see.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Here it is Rummy Kube Wedensday.

I did this just because I know the Boss, and his Lady, like to play the game a couple times per week. I'll just set this post up now and hope he/she see it, when they get back home.

So all you people, looking to earn a quarter or just have some fun, get up to Town Center and join in the game. You might even learn some good gossip.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Well the boss sprung to buy an email and said, He and the wife are heading back.  They were in St Thomas yesterday and now are at Sea. 

A Private Island is on the chart next then back to Florida. That means this "Trusty Neighbor" is out of work again. Well it was fun.


Friday, October 16, 2015


Last Thursday,  Oct. 8, 2015, The P.A.C. Building officially opened its' doors to residents.

After the red tape was cut the people who attended were invited to share cookies and cake outside, and then to see the decor of the interior of the building.

This reporter isn't quite sure if it was the cookies or the enthusiasm of the PAC Members that made the day a huge success.


Thursday, October 15, 2015


by D Beyer

Earlier we reported there was a "Breach" at the back gate. We are now hearing that some people in the area of the gate have let the Board know that they are very concerned with the failure of SWPM to do anything.

None neighbor said he called and was told he would hear from the company. That never happened.

What seems to have annoyed neighbors now, is the report that SWMP says, they never were informed. 

The point is emergency calls need to be answered and responded to for our safety! 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


I got an email saying that after two days on his cruise all he has seen is ocean. Two days of ocean !

At least there have been no storms. So the Bosses are enjoying themselves on deck. There are plenty of things to do, and the brought some good reading material too. Maybe he will jump ship and go with the shrimp boat.

Well that's it until he springs for the cost of another email.

Monday, October 12, 2015


It's Columbus Day and a holiday for most of us.  As you know "They" are away and at the start of their cruise.

Since it is a holiday I should be off too. But I have to check the house and make sure the A/C is set right, water level in pool is ok, and no leaks here or there. In addition I am supposed to write a post for this blog to keep you all up to date. I don't know why.

Hope the think of me, stuck here in their home, while they look for Columbus' landing spot. 


Saturday, October 10, 2015


The Boss's wife told me to let you all know that there is a party tomorrow at Town Center.

It's an Open Mic Event. Those of you who sing, or think you can sing, are welcome to pick up the mic and do your thing.

Jersey Joe, who the Boss says he manages, will be there. The way the Boss handled advertisement for this event gives me a clue as to why Jersey Joe is poor. That's more reason for you all to come. Cheer Him Up and show support for him. and his partner Rick on guitar.

Friday, October 9, 2015


We are going to be leaving for a cruise in a couple of days. It's probably trip number four this year. That is good as this is our time to do these things and stay away from issues in the Community.

Our good friend and neighbor will again be on house watch and have the "keyboard." She will be writing the news for a while. 

Keep reading.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


The lunch yesterday was "Muy Bien.  That is the report given to me.

The Boss went and told me to write a "post" about it. I think all he wants me to say is that there were a lot of happy faces seen leaving.

One Gentlemen won a Gift Certificate for a return visit and will bring his wife next visit.

Oh yes, He also told me to remind, if they are still hungry from that Burrito Supreme, to attend the Romeo Lunch at the Community's Cafe Verona.  

Monday, October 5, 2015


We have learned that the rear gate to our property has been breached.

Information given to us reveals An employee of Tru-Green is said to have broken the lock or chain on the gate. The Gate is located at Benelli Ct, and has not yet been opened for use.

Perhaps more upsetting to this news was that the matter was reported to South West Property Management and that nobody from the Company responded to secure the Gate.

The break in the Gate and the alleged failure to respond by SWPM is a serious issue as the safety of the entire community depends on that gate , and all entrances, being secure.

Saturday, October 3, 2015


A reminder to the Seniors of the Community It is time to get in your car, cross over the bridge, and join the gang for lunch.

The  VeronaWalk Gentleman's group will have there next lunch on Wednesday (always the first Wednesday) at Mr. Tequila's

The date is October 7.   Also note that the fabulous Ice Cream is included once again so Gentlemen sign up! See you all there. Don't forget the Romeo Lunch also this month. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015


My Queen wanted to write this post as usual but I told her I can do it. After all. I am in charge of this blog. What I job, photography, editing. posting, maintaining labor relations. 

Well this month is easy. There are no family dates that need to get recognized this month. None. Zip.  I did the post with no problem. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


The "trusty old neighbor" keeps sending those jokes, but we have to filter them to make sure we get a "GP" rating to post for your reading. Here is one we think you will like if we can get it past the "Politically Correct  Censor."

Enjoy it:

The coach had put together the perfect team for the Baltimore
Ravens. The only thing missing was a good quarterback. He had scouted allthe colleges and even
the Canadian and European Leagues, but he couldn't find a ringer who could   ensure a Super Bowl win. 

Then one night while watching CNN he saw a war-zone scene in the West Bank . In one  corner of the background, he spotted a young Israeli soldier with a truly
incredible arm. He threw a hand-grenade straight into am15th story window 100 yards away. KABOOM! He threw another hand-grenade 75 yards away, right into a
chimney. KA-BLOOEY! Then he threw another at a passing car going 90 mph.
"I've   got to get this guy!" Coach said to himself. "He has the perfect arm!" 
So, he brings him to the States and teaches him the great gameof football. And
the Ravens go on to win the Super Bowl.
The  young man is hailed as the great hero of football, and when the coach asks him
what he wants, all the young man wants is to call his Mother.
"Mom,"    he says into the phone, "I just won the Super Bowl!"
   "I   don't want to talk to you, the old woman says."
You are not my son!" 
"I   don't think you understand, Mother," the young
man pleads. "I've won the
greatest sporting event in the world. I'm here among
thousands of my adoring

"No!  Let me tell you!" his mother retorts. "At this
very moment, there are gunshots
all around us. The neighborhood is a pile of rubble. Your
two brothers were   beaten within an inch of their lives last week, and I have to keep your sister
in the house so she doesn't get raped!"

The   old lady pauses, and then tearfully says,... "I will
never forgive you for making us move to Baltimore !!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Another month, and we are still keeping an eye on our builders stock. Remember years ago we put a fictional amount of money ($643.) into 100 shares, and then reported how this investment was doing.

Today the stock is up from our original $6.43 to $20.02 per share

Wish it were real money. We will hold for reporting purposes, but if it were real money it would be sold, sold, sold.


Saturday, September 26, 2015


All you have to do is step outside, and open your eyes. That's what Janet Weingarten did last night (Oct 25). We thank her for sharing this picture with us.


Sunday, September 20, 2015


This should end all the talk about our canals being low and need water. They are filled !

The area behind our community is also holding a lot of water, where there shouldn't be any water.

Well it looks nice. Enjoy it while it looks good.
