Wednesday, February 29, 2012


They just don't stop coming into our mailbox. Here is another that a resident of the community shared. I think he worked in a Blue Uniform prior to arriving in our community. Hope you like it. If not - Tell a Judge.

Two men were driving through Chicago when they got pulled over by a cop.

The man
 rolls down the window and "WHACK," the cop smacks him in the head with his


"What the heck was that for?" the driver asked.

"You're in Chicago, son," the cop answered.
"When we pull you over in
 Chicago, you better have your license ready by the time we get to your car."

"I'm sorry, officer," the driver said, "I'm not from around here."

The cop runs a check on the guy's license--he's clean and gives the guy
his license back.

The cop then walks around to the passenger side and
 taps on the window.

The passenger rolls down the window and "WHACK," the
 cop smacks him on the head with the nightstick.

"What the hell did you do that for?" the passenger demands.

"Just making your wish come true," replied the cop

"Making WHAT wish come true?" the passenger asked.

"Because I know your type," the cop says, "two miles down the road
you're gonna turn to your buddy and say, 'I wish that smart cop would've tried that nonsense with me!' "

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Wow it is the end of February already. Time to see if my 100 shares of the builders stock has made me rich.

Remember the purchase price was $6.42.

At the end of the month the price is $8.30  This rates a big "Wow !"

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Saturday Night (Feb. 25) was a big big night in the community. The long awaited show "Broadway" held the first of two performances at Town Center.

Proceeds ($14,800) of the show were donated to Avow Hospice.

The best part of the performance was that the performers were our neighbors and fellow residents of our community. They did a superb job singing, dancing and acting. 

As the pictures show there was a great deal of energy expended by our guys on stageThis energy produced a  reciprocal relationship with the audience. It all made this a fabulous night for everyone.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


A 21 year old burglar took on the wrong property owner in our sister community of Island Walk the other night. The "Bad Guy" was observed searching an automobile for valuables at 2:00 AM. The car was parked in the driveway of the North Naples development.

He was chased off by a Mom, who does a lot of running to keep in shape. She also did the correct thing by calling 911. 

Once the "Bad Guy" was apprehended and carted off to  the county Hoosegow, The Mom said, "It infuriated me that this guy can come onto the property and think he could take whatever he wants."

The Lord was with her, and all worked out well.  She remembered to call  911. The deputies corralled this guy with nobody getting hurt.

Our Safety Guy reminds us to to lock car doors, leave a light on outside,  and if there is an incident call 911. Be careful and do not put yourself at risk.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Safety starts at home. Ask this old bird. You have to be careful with everything and always keep your eyes open. He knows.

Our friend here is on the job doing surveillance work around Naples Bay. We could learn a few things from him, and get a day out in the Sun too.

Monday, February 20, 2012


The game is "Rummikub." It is assumed that the players are "Kubers."  

Now we all know what they say when we assume.  Fearing a note from the local Spelling Bee Champion we checked to see how the name of the game was spelled. 

There are a couple of ways to spell this game. We used what was on the box. Checking it out was almost as much fun as playing the game. The "Kubers" are also a lot of fun just to be with on a Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Next weekend there will be two shows at Town Center. Residents will be performing their version of "Broadway."      

This Lady had some quiet time on Saturday (18th) as "He" was taking pictures of the Dress Rehearsal. He started doing that back in September. It shows that a lot of work has gone into making this show a wonderful experience for all.      

When  "He" gets back I'll see if he can sneak in a picture or two....
I got the two (2) above....enjoy

Friday, February 17, 2012


Valentines Day was celebrated this year with a lunch sponsored by your  VW Men's Group at Carrabba's. This was a special event that the men do for their friends, neighbors, and residents of VeronaWalk.

A group of just under a 100 attended this years event. The staff at Carrabba's was well prepared.  The Gentlemen and their Ladies enjoyed a great Lasagna or Chicken Marsala. At the conclusion of the meal a nice Valentines dessert was served.

In between enjoying the meal there were three drawings. The first prize went to a Verona Walk Gentleman and his Lady who were married for the longest period of time. Several people were over 25 years, but the winners logged in with 56.5 years. The second prize was for a dinner at "Cafe Verona," and the third prize was for a round of golfa baseball cap, and a pencil with an eraser (important to have when playing Golf)  from Centennial Bank.

Your "Gentlemen's Group" extended their thanks to Carrabba's, and to the men and women of our group who helped make this day an extra special one.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Yes !  There were no appointments with doctors for a change. This was great, and the weather was too.

We found our nice spot on the beach, and enjoyed a couple of hours just reading and taking in the sun. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


In a message from our Sheriff best wishes were offered for a Happy Valentines day today.

A safety reminder was also included. Note the non emergency telephone number at the bottom. Our Safety Guy wants us to know it for use in appropriate situations.

 Valentines 2012


February 14, 2012.  Today is Valentines Day.

We wish all our friends a good day. You are all special, and our good wishes go out to you.

Thanks for being our friends, and for all the help.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Just like last year there is a big sign near the Gate House.  It announces that the builder sold over 100 homes in this community.

It was a good choice picking a community near the Gulf of Mexico, near I-75, and near Downtown Naples.  All of that makes our community attractive.

When homes sell it is good for everyone. Lets have a great 2012.


Cafe Verona has a special for residents to celebrate Valentines' Day. If you are interested check out their notice in their window. 

Valentines day falls on a Tuesday. Make your plans soon.

Love is in the air.

Friday, February 10, 2012


This was fun. The wife kicked me out of the house for a couple of hours a few days ago. She wanted to play on her keyboard, and get me "some fresh air."

The fresh air was on the cool side, so I donated a little time to the Community's TV Channel. It was warm inside!  Who could ask for more.

The job was fun,  and I learned about TV graphics. In the end everything looked pretty good.  The voices who count the most were very much satisfied and said, "Job well done."

While I had some fun I also learned that "The Chief Engineer" will soon be returning to his duties as Communications Specialist. That is very good news, and means I can retire again.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


In January I had the pleasure of taking a picture of one of our four legged residents with the owner. It looked good so it was featured on this blog.

Last week the community sponsored "Smooch A Pooch" at Town Center. I had the opportunity to use my old Kodak Brownie 123. I got some fine pictures of several dogs living here in "The Walk." I am planning on posting a different picture here each month.

Above are February's "Pooch of the Month", as well as a couple of the event, including a parrot.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


The headline is a little misleading. The "Day Care" facility was our house. It was another day of "baby sitting."

Our little Cali wasn't feeling well so she signed up to spend the day at Casa Valentina where Grandma enjoyed her company. The two played all day.

By time she went home it appeared that she was doing much better. She was using her camera and wagging her tongue non stop. The shy one even let the "Old Guy" take her picture.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Every year I wait for "Football Sunday." Even the wife had a little interest. This one promised to be great right from the beginning.

We started early by picking up our grandson. He asked to watch the game with us. That might have something to do with our large screen TV.

Since we had an invite from one of the "VW Gentleman" we took the lad to a great party. He behaved himself which was expected. The bad news was he liked the Patriots, and those of us from Jersey liked the Giants.  One of us was happy.

Final score:   N.J Giants  21       New England Patriots   17

Sunday, February 5, 2012


A few days ago I got "The Call"  to go pick up the kid.  More work! Grrrr.

Naturally I did the job with few complaints. But when I advised him of my expenses He did offer to pay me.  It was only .25 cents so I let him keep it.

Don't tell him I didn't mind one bit. He is a good kid.

Friday, February 3, 2012


The "VeronaWalk Gentlemen" a community Lunch Group" made a Huge visit to the new Cafe Verona on Feb. 1, 2012.

This was one of the larger turn outs for a community group that meets the First Wednesday of The Month at different restaurants in Naples/Marco Island.  The group, now in its' fourth year, has been enjoying fine food, and building on community based friendships.

 It appears that a good time was had by all,  and that there may well be a return visit!  Thanks to the Gentlemen and to Cafe Verona this was an outstanding event.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I am posting this before "He" wakes up. He, as always, will say: "I didn't forget." Truth be told "He" missed the last two years.

This Lady's Mom is now 87.  The picture is from two years ago. She is still active and independent. That is good, very good !     

We wish her a great birthday

                                         HAPPY  BIRTHDAY ! ! ! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


The "Old Guy" is asleep, so I will note that there is a big Birthday this month to be duly noted later in the month.  I won't forget. Take a look tomorrow.