Friday, September 30, 2011


It has only been a few days but "We" our back from Disney. The Neighbor is relieved of his duties, and Dad has seized the keyboard.

We received news from our "little girl" in some jungle that: "All is OK; I'll keep you posted."  

Cindy also said the name of the location she is at is TANGKAHAN.  Her Hotel was said to be nice and well worth  $6.75  a night, plus the animals keep their distance.

Next stop will be Lake Toba.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011


Here is one of the better pieces of humor sent to us to share with you.  Enjoy it.

A Hooker

Ed and  Nancy met while on a singles cruise.  They were immediately  attracted to each other, and spent all their days together sunning on  the deck.  When they discovered they lived in the same city, only a few  miles  apart, Ed was ecstatic.  When they got back home, he immediately started asking her out.
Within just a few weeks, Ed had  taken Nancy to dance clubs, restaurants, concerts, movies, and museums.   Ed became convinced that  Nancy was indeed his soul mate and  true love. Every date seemed better  than the last.
On the one-month  anniversary of their first dinner on the cruise ship,  Ed took Nancy to a fine  restaurant.   While having cocktails and  waiting for their salad, Ed  said, "I guess you can tell I'm very much  in love with you. I'd like a little serious talk before our relationship  continues to the next stage.
Before I get a little box out of my pocket  and ask you a life changing  question, it's only fair to warn you, I'm a total  golf nut.   I play  golf, I read about golf, I spend my weekends  watching golf on TV.  
In short, I eat, sleep, and breathe  golf.  Some days, that's all I can  think about.  If that's going to be a problem for us, you'd better say  so  now!"
Nancy took a deep breath and responded, "Ed, that certainly won't  be a  problem.  I love you as you are, and I love golf too; but,  since  you're being totally honest with me, I need to be totally honest with
you too.   Until I met you on the cruise,  I had spent the past  ten  years being a hooker."
"Oh wow! I see," Ed replied...........   He, paused, looked down at the  table, and was silent for a moment.  Nancy was afraid she had blown  her chance to marry a really nice man.  
Ed sat there silently, deep in serious thought, then he relied quickly:     
"You probably need to keep your wrists straight when you hit the ball."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Here it is, at last glance  $4.05

The color says it all. This investment started with $6.46.  

At least the company is doing well in Florida,  and not bankrupt. There is still a chance.

Monday, September 26, 2011


This neighbor is not as quick or good with the Bosses, but He did like this link sent in by one of our nice neighbor. I hope it works, and you guys find some humor in talk that comes out of the side of ones' mouth.


No news to add on the "Cindy Watch."  

Last message said "Bad to No wi-fi".  I know the family wants a check in, but none for the last few days. Stay tuned. I am sure the "Old Guy" will find a way to get a report when He is back. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011


The Publisher is taking off soon to visit her favorite location - DISNEY WORLD.

The Lady is taking the "Old Guy"  with her so He doesn't get into any to trouble or mess up the English Language. He doesn't do that really, but we like to tease. Anyway I will put Him on the monorail (not the key board), and He will be thrilled. Last time he rode it for days without getting off.

The trusty neighbor will keep an eye open regarding items of interest to keep the readers interested.

Friday, September 23, 2011


The Guys' Lunch Gang organized another event for "Husbands and Wives." This one was a luncheon, and it was at Shula's.

There were close to 15 couples that took part in a great meal, and pleasant conversation in  private dinning. We attended with neighbors and enjoyed ourselves.

Prime Rib was on the Agenda, and from the reports, the subject got the attention of a fair number of neighbors. No complaints for sure.

A double surprise was in order at the conclusion of the meal: A Red Rose and a single bill. The bill was figured out real quick with the help of a great waiter.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


They old place is closed. The locks have been changed. The furniture has been sold. The dishes are gone too.

This means there will be a new beginning to our community restaurant. New ownership is in place. They will spend the next few weeks getting ready for, perhaps, a December opening.

The new guys are experienced, but are also residents. They promise to make the word "Community" a core value in their venture. We wish them success.


Email received today from the wonderful metropolis of  PENANG.

I don't know where that is, but the key words were "arrived safe."

Stay tuned for more info as it arrives.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Even I have to shake my head with approval. This is great but our Safety Guy says if you watch this in person use a hard hat. How can anyone be that good?

Thanks to the neighbor who contributed this. It's good

Click on link below:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Just checking our calendar and it is to be noted that there will be a CERT Team meeting Thursday, Sep. 22, 2011.  It is at 7:00PM.


Cindy has arrived at this Beach somewhere in Asia. The place is called LANGKAWA. She said the sun has yet to appear, and that she will continue to check in with us during her World Tour.

Monday, September 19, 2011


If you save enough quarters, and get your coupon you can have a great time eating out like the VeronaWalk Rummy Kubers did this past Saturday  (9/17)

The "Gang" selected the Village Pub and not only had an excellent meal, but wonderful views of the Bay.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


The "Kid" from NJ-NY is taking a couple of months off to travel and see "strange things".  At least that is this Lady's thoughts. This is a therapy involving fish that eat dead skin of your feet. She just had to try this. 

Maybe I can try something similar with the "Old Guy". Do they have bigger Fish?

Saturday, September 17, 2011



This is the Jersey version of young Spider Man.  He is in training.

His Mom said he actually looks better when cleaned up. I suppose she is right, but his Grandfather still likes him either way. 


Wow. I thought Mr V.W. Resident a.k.a. "Old Guy" was kidding when he said, "Come out, and look at the Moon."  I was watching TV and could not make myself move, after all it was night time.

Well today He had the time to "Play" with the camera and get this cool picture of the "Harvest Moon.".

It looks nice. Maybe I should have got up and seen it personally. This shot makes up for, so I'll be generous and give him an "A" for his efforts on this picture, and for keeping Bruno happy because the "Old Guy" is not on the keyboard.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


That sounds like a baseball count - One Ball, and One Strike.

In reality this "Count" was not in reference to a  game. It was the outcome of the voting on Tuesday (9/13) regarding two proposed amendments to our VeronaWalk  home owners documents.

The first amendment would have required "new" purchasers of resale property to pay an initial fee of $1000 into the Association's Bank Account. This item was defeated.

The Second item which was approved gives the Association Attorney better language in our home owners' documents to make a stronger case against Lenders that, with foreclosure, assume the responsibility to pay our monthly fees. In other words "No free Ride for Lenders." We have been paying these fees for their failure to be responsible.

So one up, and one down. Regardless of how one voted it must be noted that everyone cast their ballot with one thought in mind: Vote for what is best for the community.



On Tuesday Night (Sep 13) the Lady and I were on our way home from "Baby Sitting." It was emergency duty, but not like the emergency we ran into (But not Over) on our way home.

As we turned into the Right Hand Turn Lane we saw a "Palm Frond." A split second later we realized this was One Huge Gator.  Judge it's size yourself from the picture. 

We called the Sheriff and secured the scene using our emergency flashers and flash light. The training in CERT, coupled with past experience, paid off as we did stop the man who ran over the Gator, and kept him from approaching it. We kept him safe while waiting for a quick response from the Collier Sheriff.

This Alligator was alive, and nasty. Sorry we didn't get the picture of it with its' head in the air and mouth wide open. What a scary sight.

Hope you guys like this picture. Wish it was better.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


This is to remind our friends to get out tonight and VOTE.

The issues before us have sparked some good debate. That is they way it should be.

Which ever side one is on the focus is on the Best Interest of the Community

Monday, September 12, 2011


This kid is  visiting  us again. He likes staying out of school when he can come to VeronaWalk,  and act like it is just a case of the Blue FluHe likes to play with the "Old Guy's" toys too.

Our police surgeon checked him out,  and said he can "return to duty (school)"  tomorrow.


Friday Afternoon (Sep. 9) a nice group showed up for a Goodbye Beth- Hello Maureen Party at our Town Center.

Our gang got there and settled in at table one. We were rewarded with being first to the food table. That is always good. There were many snacks to "grab" and munch before the cake was served.

Best wishes to Beth and a big welcome to Maureen.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Wednesday, Sep. 7TH,  was a real good day for the "Guy's Lunch." 

Our First Wednesday of the Month Gang  selected Capriccio's  as the restaurant of the month

We had two dozen "Guy's" attend and there was not a single complaint. The food was hot and the quality was worthy of another visit in the near future.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Many of us have been frustrated with security checks in the airports we stop at to board a flight or change planes. Well one of our neighbors has written a song about these experiences. Click below to here the latest hit by  our own  Jersey Joe.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Well the Weather was  cooperating so My Lady got a couple of  her friends to meet at the pool. Heck, She deserves a good day out, and I thought it was a great idea too.

BUT in the middle of "My" morning I learned I too was going to the pool. Well that wasn't exactly my idea, but It was just going to be for a couple of hours

I Must admit I had a good time, and after four hours of heat and water therapy I was sent home to enjoy some nice A/C  and a baseball game.

A day or so latter I was allowed to make this posting, attesting to my good time, as always, with friends and neighbors.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Good God how time flies.

The publishers' daughter, up in New Jersey, is celebrating a birthday today.  Officially this is number 25


Saturday, September 3, 2011


A Special Meeting has been scheduled for September 13, 2011 at 6:00PM. At that time you are to vote on two proposed amendments.  

The First Amendment, if approved, will allow our community to add funds to its’ capital account. These funds will be dedicated for our use, and cannot be utilized by the developer.

The Second Amendment, if approved, will provide language that will be of help to our attorneys in holding lenders responsible for debt (H.O.A. Dues)  that has accumulated during their ownership of various properties. 

Banks, and other lenders, nationwide have not been very responsible in paying H.O.A. Fees or other expenses that are theirs. This creates a shortfall in our budget. Our homeowners have been picking up this tab.

Both of these amendments are  intended to benefit the homeowner by adding funds into the capital account, and to pursue those who have not paid their fees.
Your vote is just that – YOURS'. Make your decision in an informed way. Regardless of your position make sure you VOTE.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


The "Old Guy" as usual is asleep. With a little peace I can hit these keys, and let everyone know that the "dates" are noted. A Birthday wish will be given the spotlight on the appropriate date.