Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Hey Buddy, "Do you want to buy a condo in a new development?"  "Bring a life jacket and you too can live in a nice new flood plain."  It is called "Femaloma de la baha mar".

If you hear this pitch from a real estate agent you might want to paddle your boat in an other direction.

If you are living here there is definitely a different spin on "our flood plain."  It has a real impact on you if you have or want flood insurance. The area we reside in is being classified by FEMA for flood risk. There are several categories. The one where we will find ourselves will carry a higher insurance premium unless proof can be shown that our land is higher then what is on the map (an old map) being used by FEMA.

A survey and an application for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) is the process one must use to be identified as living in a safer risk area. This can cost time and money.

A local company, Marco Surveying and Mapping, has proposed to do the survey and application paperwork for $125.  If  FEMA grants the LOMA a letter will be given to the homeowner which will help in securing flood policies.

The Captain of our Ship has advised that the navigators believe this survey proposal is a sound course to follow. 

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