Friday, October 7, 2011


The latest report from Cindy is that the weather by the volcano was poor. She wrote, "I didn't get to hike any volcanoes because it was too foggy and rainy. I decided to just get to Medan."

On the way to this City she stopped to view Sipiso Piso Waterfall. To tell the truth I never heard of these places. My first thought was the names are fake. They are not and the do look very nice.

Once in the City of Medan she tried some local transportation. This is called a "Tri-Shaw."  It  is a foreign version of a Taxi. It has three wheels. Our friend Bruni has something like this, but with four wheels. His is electric and frequently needs more juice to keep it going. Both vehicles are fun and good transportation.

We will keep our eyes open for the next report.

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