Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Looking at economic news lately there were a couple of positives worth noting. Of course these observation were found using a very large spotlight and a magnifying glass.

First there was "positive" news that the foreclosure rate in Collier County seems to have slowed. The news article hints we may be at the bottom of a Bell Curve, and could see actual improvements in months ahead. Well the "hope" of long term improvement is good, but being at the bottom of the curve is "the pits." Long term improvement is just that: Long Term.

Second was a story about Housing starts being at a 10 year low. This too is "the pits" if one is looking for a better economic picture in Collier. Out of the bad one can find a positive. Our developer ranked number two in new housing starts for 2008 with 81.

No need to dwell on the negative. Look for a positive sign and smile.

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