Tuesday, December 11, 2012


CAFE VERONA was the host restaurant for the First Brunch sponsored by the Verona Walk Gentlemen's Group. The event was on Sunday December 9 at 11:00 AM. The ladies of  J.U.L.S. assisted putting this day together which "Sold Out" quickly

Once the meeting was called to order we heard a few words from the "Boss Lady," also  known as the "Mayor of Verona Walk."  Her help was deeply appreciated.

The group did not need any encouragement to get into the food line and fill their plates. The choices were many and it all was hot.

After the gang finished eating there was a drawing for two prizes. First Place won a gift certificate. Second Place won a beautiful Christmas poinsettia plant. Everyone else won a good time and enjoyed an hour or so with the friends, who have become the core of a our wonderful community.

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