Saturday, December 15, 2012


It's that time of the year that Christmas Tree Lights go up, and that letter arrives saying your monthly dues have also gone up. Merry Christmas.

I am not complaining, but I do hope Santa brings me some tissues to dry my eyes. I get that way when I have to dig a little deeper on Taxes, or in this case H.O.A. Dues.

The quarterly dues on our Oakmont Model went from $794. to $837. That is the new  quarterly rate. It breaks down to $14.33 a month more. There were similar increases with other models in the VeronaWalk Community.

Everyone has a different way of looking at this. Some of us complain, some cry, some do nothing. That is life. I offer no argument with the increase of $14 per month.

I would, however, like to see attached to the budget the top ten items that resulted in this increase, along with just a short explanation. I would also like to see a "seminar" on the proposed budget prior to receiving the "adopted"  budget.

A "hearing" gives all who participate the opportunity to be part of the process, and in the end they have ownership of our budget. 

The thoughts above are not intended as criticism, but as constructive comment on a well done document.

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