Wednesday, September 3, 2008


It Is that time of the year. The end of summer, an increase in tropical storms, and the notice for proposed taxes.

A V.W. Neighbor reports she ran to the post office to get "the letter."

This resident took a while to open it. The belief here is beware of "government letters." They usually give cause to hang on to ones wallet or hide the checkbook. That will help for a few days, but sooner or later that payment has to be made.

The "Notice of Proposed Taxes" contains a lot of numbers, but the one that a couple of neighbors focused on was the doubling of the homestead exemption. The new amount is $50,000. That is twice as much as in previous years. This helps with the amount due.

Also noted was a substantial decrease in "Market Value" on the statement. This is a "sweet - lemon" situation. It helps on the tax front, but at a cost (loss of market value). It is what it is.


Bruno said...

Our houses have lost value, is divosta going to fight for us to lower our taxes further?

Jersey Chief said...

I doubt Divosta will do anything for an individual regarding lost value, and real estate taxes. You are right to be concerned. The last day to file a formal appeal is Sept 12, however it will be an "up hill effort." Two neighbors checked the process out and did not report good news.