Wednesday, May 30, 2012


When you stop and think about it this really is a Big Holiday. Memorial Day!. It is not the first day of Summer !!!

We did our preaching over and over regarding the meaning of this day in prior posts. It is for those who have brought us freedom and the right to make choices within our lives. Focus on that for a while today. A little thought will make the burger taste better.

Last year we remembered the wife's father and do so again. His picture taken in 1943 is above. A picture of, his ship,  the SS Denver is on our wall at home. It gives cause for daily recognition We also add to the list of family members a Great Great Uncle who served in the Civil War.  A medal that he was awarded has found its way to us. It  is also on display. It reads: "Ready to die for the honor of our Country."

These items give true meaning to today's' holiday.

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