Friday, July 11, 2008


Wow, How time flies when your having fun.

This young lady is 29 years old today. That is 29 using V.W.R's, patent pending, method of calculating.

In using this calculation method one must remember to just forget the starting number or d.o.b. This way the number on the bottom line can be 29 or whatever fits the need.

Well the "young lass" is taking a few minutes from "playing Jane" in some jungle to hear those "special words" that come around every year - HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Today, July 11, is her special day. She will be pleased with a card or call from those "kids" of hers. V.W. couldn't find a picture with all her tribe of five, so three of the tribe will have to do.

How will she spend the day. Maybe sail down the Nile; or catch a turtle for dinner; or a Gondola ride on Verona Lake enjoyed with a fine glass of wine. Sad to say there is no gondola, but the wine sounds fine. Happy Birthday LOIS.

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