Sunday, January 24, 2016


We took a drive a couple of days ago South on US 41. It was like a half-hour ride when we saw the Indian Store and lot of parking. Off to the side  was a path that led to a boardwalk.

It took about two minutes to leave all trace of highway, and Indians to disappear. All sorts of trees were to my right. All sorts of trees were to my left. Up ahead were more, only taller. Soon the blocked the sky out. Looking down a huge couple of feet was dark brown water and cypress knees.

I saw enough, but forced my legs to take me down the Boardwalk to the end. I passed an Eagles nest way up high in a tree. Someone said, it weighed a ton. I accepted that as a fact. Nobody was at home in the Nest, so who could I ask. 

At the end of a mile or so there was a bench seat built into a viewing platform. This was the end of the trail, and where we turn around. Of course someone saw an Alligator that didn't want to be seen. So we spent forever looking up, down, over and under to see its' side and portions of its legs.

Finally I got the troops set to move on back to the car. Then up in the sky I spotted what looked like an Eagle. He was flying over the tree tops and circling. I think he was headed for that giant nest that I saw earlier. He needed just one thing before landing there and that was for us to go.

The Eagle was, I am sure, safe and sound in that nest. All we had to do before getting into the car was take a peek at another gator. This one had baby  gators running all over her. Catch the one on her head. I mean that figuratively.





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