Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Our Town meeting was last night. Over 500 people crowded into the room with two big things on their mind.

First was a change in our documents to require home owners to be responsible for cleaning their roofs and painting their homes. The prior wording had the HOA being the responsible party. The Amendment passed overwhelmingly. Homeowners get your paint buckets ready.

Regarding the election your new Board Members are:

Barry Denkensohn
Bob Korba
Mike Reno

In the organization meeting the new Board elected as President

Steve Goldenberg

It's over, and it is time to move on. No more emails from the safety committee; No more emails by pseudo named authors; and No more emails that are just plain sleazy. 

Lets come together and give the full Boards Our support, and bring about some positive changes.


1 comment:

christine w said...
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