Monday, April 28, 2014


When Town Center was designed the traffic flow around the gas station was two way. That was quickly changed when a   recommendation was made for safety reasons to make it one-way.

At the time of this initial change there was limited input, if any, from residents, and no record of a professional review. Nonetheless the traffic flow was changed. Some liked the change. Some didn't

We have lived with the "new" one-way traffic flow for several years. During those years a sound argument can be made that,  We now know and understand the traffic rules around the gas station area.

To our knowledge nobody has driven their car into the travel store, the beauty parlor, or the Post Office. Nobody has been clocked at 64 mph pulling up to the pumps.That is all very good. But recently a recommendation was made to transition back to a two way traffic flow. After all it is five years - time to make a change.

Our Board made the call to 'leave well enough alone'. They were right. Their position should be considered final, and respected by all. At least that is one opinion.

Drive on and drive careful.

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