Thursday, June 28, 2012


Stockholm.  This was our 2nd "Port of Call."

The weather was better here compared to Copenhagen. Most of our group had a smile on. Running to the buses remained unchanged.

We had a couple of "Five minute" stops. I got a picture of a main street, and some odd looking dog standing in front of what I believe was called a tourist trap.  I liked the boats so I have to include the hatbox shot with multi color buildings in background.

The next, and last stop, was admission into the Vasa Museum. It pays to read and then act smart. Originally I thought this was an art show, but since I reviewed the tour description I knew it was about an old warship.

The Vasa, when built was the largest warship in the world. It was built to scare, and sink the Polish Navy. That is the truth!

Unfortunately, on its maiden voyage, it sank in its' own harbor. Three hundred years later it was raised and, ultimately,  made into a museum. The building is seven stories tall (just big enough to hold the restored ship). The Oak Wood hull is original.

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