Sunday, June 24, 2012


Even though the "Old Guy" loves the kid He did not want to travel.  Now that he is here in New Jersey He sure is singing another tune. At least that is what his Lady tells me. What an eye opener.

I, your trusty neighbor, have no idea why the band played "On Wisconsin." The Lady said: "It sure did bring a big old tear to his tough eyes."  I guess he was just happy that Miss Cass graduated.

She will be off in September to an East Coast College. For sure it will drive her mom broke, but that is the cycle of life we all go through. We wish her well.

They plan to return soon. It seems, of all people, our "Mayor" would like Him back here. Lord help us.  Hope it is not another spelling error. If so blame it on this good old neighbor.  He is currently in charge.

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