Tuesday, March 27, 2012



I remembered March 27. This is number four daughter's birthday. 

How could I forget. She winked at me right after she was born. That was 25 years ago (I think).

It doesn't matter how many years. She is all grown up and doing her thing playing with corporate America. When they need a business and computer fix,  she brings the team in to get it all running fine. She has also donated heavy duty assistance to two of our local blogs (CERT  and; Verona Walk Resident). Her efforts keep these blogs functioning in a professional manner.  Check them out with the links below:

 http://veronawalkcertteam.blogspot.com/  and  http://veronawalkresident.blogspot.com/

When she is not saving Comcast, or helping Royal Caribbean she enjoys playing with Elephants, hiking in the jungles of Asia, or jumping out of airplanes just to keep her Dad's heart pumping good. We love her, and of course want to simply say:


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