Wednesday, December 21, 2011


A friend shared an opinion with us on the subject of "Political Correctness."  The timing of this thought is certainly appropriate as  two major religious holidays are coming up quick. 

Below is the thought for your review:

More and more each year people seem to shy away from saying those traditional greetings that reflect on the holidays. They do this because of the need to be "politically correct," and to not offend some third party. 

Decent people respect each other and their religions.  That respect carried this Country forward for a couple hundred years without a problem.

Today there exists pressure to make sure all interaction between groups is proper, correct and not offensive. The fact is that this effort itself - is offensive. 

Isn't it much easier to skip the politics and simply say:  Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukah.  

This is the season for those greetings to be remembered and honored 


Mary said...

Dear boy, Merry Christmas to you too. I always read your web site, but seldom comment. As an old educator I hate to correct spelling and grammar, but I find I must today. The Jewish celebration of lights is spelled, Chanukah. Now you may stop by for milk and cookies.

Jersey Chief said...

Thank You.

I did check the spelling and found that a double "k" is also used.

Since you were so kind to tell me about the spelling I made the change using a single "k."

Your help is appreciated, and I am sure I will enjoy the cookies too. Merry Christmas to you.