Sunday, December 18, 2011


It took the "Old Guy" a long time to get there. It was always a dream of his to go visit this place where  Dr. Mudd of the  Lincoln Conspiracy was held prisoner. The only way there is by boat and more recently Sea Plane. As His Lady I was more than pleased to strap myself in,  and hope the pilot had a map.

After decades of waiting and hoping to someday see this place it happened.  We chartered a small plane and flew to Key West. There we made the 10:00AM connection to the Dry Tortugas. It took about 40 minutes. In comparison the "Ferry" takes 2.5 hours each way.

The flight was great. There was room for ten passengers on the small plane. Everyone had a window seat. What a view. The water was just beautiful.

As the plane neared its landing site the pilot pointed out a couple of wrecks laying on the ocean floor. This was the area where the famous Antocha discovered by Mel fisher the famed treasure hunter. We missed that wreck but saw a couple others as well as some sharks swimming in the water.

The pilot circled  The Dry Tortugas so everyone could see historic Fort Jefferson  before setting down on the calm water. There were several picture opportunities.

We had a good few hours swimming, snorkeling and exploring history. Maybe, just maybe, a repeat trip will occur next year. Or maybe we just might try that  Bi-Plane pictured above. 

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