Saturday, June 18, 2016


At yesterdays board meeting, by a vote of 3-2, a decision was made to give 1920 home owners a cash refund or credit towards dues, from money returned to us by Comcast. This is part of the recently signed new agreement with the TV, Internet, and Phone carrier.

It was also agreed, to have our attorney present at next Board Meeting to review the "approval" process by our previous Board. This is to see if authority was granted to enter into this agreement. I wonder, "If not, what?" I don't see a firing squad and, solely my opinion, "Good Faith goes a long way - just move on."

Enjoy the scenery


1 comment:

Daniel Kamm said...

In my opinion, the refund might better have been added to the reserves. Regarding the contracts, the board was involved from day ONE, and was informed, by me, in writing, of its contract obligations to our cable consultants. The board unanimously and publicly approved the Comcast contract I negotiated. Everybody wins. Evidently this is not good enough for our current BOD.