Saturday, October 31, 2015


We have learned that our Board of Directors has finalized the 2016 Budget. They did at almost midnight hour, figuratively speaking, but they did it. Not only is the work done, the Guys, within a buck or two, held the line, for us, in making next years budget. Congratulations Board of Directors !

This blog was fortunate to get a summary of this development. We appreciate him giving us valuable time, and share some information with our friends and neighbors.

Most important is the fact that the Board cut $300,000 from next years spending and this will result in no increase in our dues. This is a Major Accomplishment.

In addition The Board increased our  Reserve Funds by $25,000. This too is an accomplishment to be recognized.

After our Contracts Committee reviewed and released language for "Bids" for a new Landscape Contract, developed by Board Member Korba, the bidding process produced a savings in spending of $170,000. That is, as that TV Car Salesman always says, "IS HUGE !"  Great job to everyone involved. 

Two other areas that produced major cuts are in Salaries and Contingencies. The salary cuts came as a result of the elimination of two part-time positions. This will reduce spending by $34,000. The Contingency fund was also cut by $25,000. These two add up to a nice amount. We should be very pleased.

The new budget came about  only after an open effort that included, not only our Board, and various Committees, input from residents. Our thanks to all our fellow residents for their work, and to Mr Denkensohn for answering our questions and sharing this information.


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