Thursday, August 13, 2015


Ten minutes was given to a Board Member who, at the last Board Meeting, was removed from his duties as Treasurer.

Since that removal, seen by many of our neighbors as a personality conflict between the Member and our Town Manager, residents supporting the Member have been attacked in emails, and also have had their homes "egged, " as well as a threatening note taped to a garage door.

On another front our Town Manager wrote a letter to all residents, without authorization, giving her view of the Personality Conflict that has consumed our neighbors. That position served as a basis for a good deal of hate to be aimed at our duly elected Board Member.

Today ( 8/12) we heard an admission by our Board Member that: "Yes I have a temper." He went on to explain the specific issues where He and the Town Manager have clashed. He appeared to gain a  good deal of support from residents who attended the meeting. He stated he was in favor of business type credit cards, a system of purchase orders, a description of job duties, hourly/weekly time records etc.

He culminated his "ten minutes" by stating he was in possession of a letter wherein  the Town Manager acknowledges that she was the driving force behind a recall petition against the Board member. If true this is politics at its' worst. This will be the subject, in part, at the September Board Meeting.

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