Friday, July 10, 2015


At the July 8 meeting, of our Board of Directors, the Agenda included a Personnel Action against our Treasurer. An interesting subject which one would think would go to  "Executive Session."

That discussion however was not heard in private. This seems like a break in precedent. We did use Executive Discussion to select a Law firm, discuss an Auditors Report, Award Christmas Bonuses and conduct other Business. Disciplining the Association Treasurer certainly seems to fit the criteria for similar private discussion. 

Our opinion is that it was a mistake in procedure to conduct a hearing in public to remove the Treasurer. It could be viewed as embarrassing and humiliating for the person facing "Charges."  That was not necessary.

On the "Merits" of  "their charges" against the Treasurer, our Board voted that "these charges" were sustained, and removed the Treasurer from his Office. So much for "Progressive Discipline !"

We take no position as to that discipline, however the procedure employed to get to the final disposition seems to be wanting. Trial systems" used in Courts, or  Grievance and Disciplinary hearings afford a "Defendant" far more rights and protections then we saw on July 8th. What happened to the concept of "Liberty and Justice for all.?"

We also noted that the Board decided to Salute our Flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting. Lets remember what that pledge is all about.


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