Friday, July 31, 2015


This is cute. It was sent from a very dependable neighbor. Good Job ! Hope you enjoy it too.
A priest and a rabbi were sitting in adjacent seats on an airplane. After a while the priest turned to the rabbi and asked, "Is it still a requirement of your faith that you not eat pork?? The rabbi responded, "Yes, that is still one of our laws.?

The priest then asked, "Have you ever eaten pork??

"Yes, on one occasion I did succumb to temptation and ate a bacon sandwich.? The priest nodded in understanding and went on with his reading.

A while later the rabbi spoke up and asked, "Father, is it still a requirement of your church that you remain celibate?? The priest replied, "Yes, that is still very much a part of our faith.?

The rabbi then asked him, "Father, have you ever fallen to the temptations of the flesh?"

The priest replied, "Yes, Rabbi, on one occasion I was weak and broke the vow of my faith.? The rabbi nodded understandingly and remained silent for several minutes.

Finally the rabbi quietly observed, "Sure beats a bacon sandwich, doesn't it."


The boss called in a while ago to check on me, and advise, the highway had a lot of traffic.

He said he was frustrated, but put his driving skills to good use. He jumped over cars and used a his two wheel approaches when needed. 

He did well and checked into the Rosen Plaza with all his display items for that Law Enforcement Badge and Patch Show.


Thursday, July 30, 2015


Another month. We still keep watch on our initial investment of $642.00. Since that time the value has gone down and now up.

Check out today at $20.00

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


The next luncheon for the VeronaWalk Gentlemen will be on August 5, 2015. This year time is flying.

The lunch will be right here in VeronaWalk at "Cafe Verona." Join your neighbors and have a nice afternoon by the Lake.  There will be a well planed agenda that will assure a good time for all.

Sign up by July 31 (Friday).


Saturday, July 25, 2015


Our reporter was in Town Center on Thursday Night and was able to throw away her hearing aides. It seems PAC was practicing. They sure are noisy.

They are putting on a new show for us to enjoy in 2016. Keep an eye out for formal announcements.


Friday, July 24, 2015


It is not too often we get to get on the water and enjoy sun and surf.

A few weeks ago we tried to see the sunset on the "Double Sunshine" and got scared off when lightening hit in front of the boat. The Captan said, "That's it,"  and took us all back to Tin City. We all got a rain check (appropriate phrase).

Thats how we got on the "Double Sunshine" a couple days ago. We were one of nine on the boat. That made us feel like we owned it.

We certainly enjoyed the ride through Gordan Pass. There were a lot of pictures but we will share only a few. Just in case we asked the medic helicopter to hang around. 

Here are the pictures.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015


We have been advised that our Town Center was used on Saturday, July 18 for a CERT Drill.

The VeronaWalk Team came out Saturday and participated in the morning drill and did an extraordinary job. They continue to be ready to help neighbors  when a disaster strikes.

It is important to note that we are in Hurricane Season. Homeowners are encouraged to pay attention to weather/hurricane forecasts. When a warning is given it is your responsibility to prepare your home for wind/flood damage. Stay away from electrical wires that may have been knocked down.

Congratulations, and Thanks to our VW Cert Team.


Sunday, July 19, 2015


A few days ago we received information regarding our Car wash. Apparently neighbors living close raised an issue with the noise bothering them during early morning hours. 

New hours will close the Car Wash during Late evenings and early mornings. The facility will close at 11:00 PM.

It will open at 7:00 AM   Lets hope this change works for everyone.


Saturday, July 18, 2015


Well if you are thinking of selling your hacienda this is good news. The Value of your house is up.

The Naples Real Estate Board reported a couple days ago that new statistics were out concerning sales in 2015. The big focus was on middle price homes.

The increase reported was 25%.

This sounds good, but I always say be cautious. At the end of the road might be a huge drop off that cripples the economy again. Profit yes, but also with market stability.


Tuesday, July 14, 2015


For the last nine - ten days or so we have had a visitor from NJ. It was our Grand Daughter, Cassidy.

She scheduled time of from work to be here with us as we did some big time celebrating. It was my Lady's Birthday on July 11.  I think this one brings her up to 39 or so.

We also celebrated on July 8 our big Wedding Anniversary. It was number 48. God are we actually going to hit fifty in a couple of years.

Anyway while Cassidy was here we did some Air boat Rides in Everglades City, and a two hour tour in Shark Valley. Here are some pictures. Enjoy them.


Saturday, July 11, 2015


No help on this one. I remember those numbers, but maybe for another reason.  Not today, however, as I think my Queen is having another one of those senior moments!

Today is her birthday. I just cant't believe it: 29 Years old.  At least that is all I will say.

So kiddo, you be the Queen again, and not just for today, but always. And I'll be King right by your side.



Friday, July 10, 2015


At the July 8 meeting, of our Board of Directors, the Agenda included a Personnel Action against our Treasurer. An interesting subject which one would think would go to  "Executive Session."

That discussion however was not heard in private. This seems like a break in precedent. We did use Executive Discussion to select a Law firm, discuss an Auditors Report, Award Christmas Bonuses and conduct other Business. Disciplining the Association Treasurer certainly seems to fit the criteria for similar private discussion. 

Our opinion is that it was a mistake in procedure to conduct a hearing in public to remove the Treasurer. It could be viewed as embarrassing and humiliating for the person facing "Charges."  That was not necessary.

On the "Merits" of  "their charges" against the Treasurer, our Board voted that "these charges" were sustained, and removed the Treasurer from his Office. So much for "Progressive Discipline !"

We take no position as to that discipline, however the procedure employed to get to the final disposition seems to be wanting. Trial systems" used in Courts, or  Grievance and Disciplinary hearings afford a "Defendant" far more rights and protections then we saw on July 8th. What happened to the concept of "Liberty and Justice for all.?"

We also noted that the Board decided to Salute our Flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting. Lets remember what that pledge is all about.


Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Yup, I remembered all by myself. She didn't have to write all those hints. I mean, sticking a note on the "sticky notes" feature of the computer, was a tad to much.

Today is number forty something. I am just a little slow on those little numbers, and I am not counting anyway.

After using my calculator it is clear that I know the number is 48. That is the number of years me and my partner have been at it. Its been good and for that we are thankful!



Tuesday, July 7, 2015


What is going on with the back Gate?

We now have all the work seemingly complete and look ready to share the entry with our neighbors at Winding Cypress. Its been that way for several weeks. When is it going to open?

Rumors are going around the neighborhood. I like the one where the Cypress Indians are said to have scalped our long time friends the Veroni Indians. Is there a possibility of a peace treaty between the tribes?  Time will tell. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015


That first of the month lunch in July was held at Cracklin Jack's.

They have moved from their long time original location to better quarters just up the road. They have a ton of room for parking, and we filled it up.

The parking lot was not all that got filled on the 1st. We had four choices and that home grown chicken seemed to be high on everyone's list, The word was it was great. Certainly there was enough to bring back and share with our friends at Romeo's.


Saturday, July 4, 2015

BOOM !!! BOOM !!!

This is how it looked over Ft. Mc Henry back in 1814. We were at war with our friends the Brits again. 

The big War was back in the 1770's-80's.
We celebrate what they fought for then every year, on the 4th of July. It's a big holiday, and one that is of the utmost importance to us. Yet it seems to me, that it is us old folk that understand what the fourth is all about.

You can also remember that second War in 1812-14. That put the exclamation mark on Independence !

Well kiddo, if you can put the beer down for a moment, I'll give you the history lesson. In a word Jack, it is "Freedom !" 

Think about it, and what it means. It's worth fighting for, and taking a stand. So for Today, step up and hoot and howl. Just know that, without Freedom, you wouldn't be able to cheer they way you are. Think of it when you attend some protest march or attend a football game.

Have a good holiday everyone !


Thursday, July 2, 2015


Oh God this doesn't look too good. He fell asleep and in fact is a day behind on posting his monthly reminders of "big events."

Lets just leave it at there are some important dates to note and if he doesn't he is going to get his butt booted - if he ever wakes up.