Thursday, May 15, 2014


While "they" are riding the train at Disney, I'll be taking my responsibility here (Blog HQ) seriously. 

It seems our Board of Directors is going to revisit the proposal to change the traffic flow to "Two-Way" around our gas station.  Well they make the rules, but they already decided the issue. 

The First time a decision was rendered was when Town Center opened. That was a few years ago. 

The Board "re-decided" this issue just a couple of weeks ago. In a unanimous vote they said in effect "One-Way". 

Now the matter is going to be re-visited, and  some our saying nasty letters are being sent pressuring the Board to reconsider. It's tough enough meandering around the fuel pumps to double park for just a minute to get the mail. Who wants this change, and why haven't correspondence, reports and recommendations not been shared with the community. We do have an interest I think. 

A change to "Two-Way" traffic would make a poor situation Worse!

I'll probably get fired for stating my viewpoint here, but I just don't think it makes sense to change the traffic flow after all these "YEARS."  Stick to the existing plan. Move on, and don't get hit by the gas truck on the way out.

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