Thursday, April 10, 2014


Sunday's (4-6) paper reported that there was a forum recently on the subject of cable television.  The focus was competition for future contracts.

The report, in the Editorial section, stated that the number of people that attended was much larger then expected. One of our Board Members, Mr Denkensohn, attended this forum,  along with managers and residents of other communities.

Interesting was the fact that there is competition out there, and they want to take over from Comcast who they refer to as the "incumbent."  They are investing heavily to offer their product to large community's such as Pelican Bay, and VillageWalk.

New names to keep in mind when our contract is really ready to be dealt with our: Summit, Lifelite, and Hotwire. All of these companies say they can do better.

It would be wise for our Community to keep our collective eyes  open, so when our time comes to renew our contract, we are knowledgeable of what is available through these companies.

A note, to just file away, is the fact that Comcast did not attend this recent forum.


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