Thursday, March 13, 2014


This Blog's Safety Guy was talking with us recently and promised to give us some tips for our personal safety. They came in a couple of days ago, but we have been lax about posting articles until now.

Our friend jotted some notes. First - Stay Alert. We live in a great area but often we just take things for granted. We feel safe but, because of that feeling, we often let our guard down. This is one of the biggest goofs we make. Whether home or out be aware of your environment.

At the Mall park near the entry, or as close as possible. When leaving be aware of someone who may follow you towards your car. If you sense something is wrong go back to store, call 911, and get near other people.  Tell a Deputy "Why" you called. Don't be embarrassed. They are there to help. Make mental notes about the situation and provide the deputy with a concise accurate report.

Second - When you are home think of your Gate House as the first line of defense. Don't think it is foolproof. It is not. Be smart and, of the things to do, the number one is: Lock Your Door.

When in your home our Safety Guy advises us to take advantage of our alarm system. This is fully paid for in the monthly dues, and is a major defense against burglaries or home invasions, so: Use Your Alarm even when you are home.

If a situation arises Act Wisely. Locate a real deputy. Trust only him to do his job.

Recognize that you alone are responsible for your safety.  


The Safety Guy is retired from Law Enforcement and has real experience with the criminal community. He often contributes tips to this blog that are based on experience and common sense with no ulterior motives. 


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