Thursday, December 27, 2012



TWO DAYS after Christmas and all was supposed to be slow and easy. Not so.

The "Old Guy" took his Grandson out for pancakes around 9:30 AM.  What a surprise they had when they got to the entry into VeronaWalk.

While waiting at the light, to make a left hand turn, they heard a noise coming from the right hand side. With a quick look in front of them they observed a large truck turning into Lely Resort. That was not the source of the noise. Turning further to the right and to the rear they saw a car also leaving Verona Walk.  It too was not the source of this noise.

Heads turned to the front when a Dump truck materialized at the intersection. It seemed to float making a spin of almost 180 degrees. It flipped over on its side, dumping sand onto Collier Blvd directly in front of our entrance.

Apparently the truck hit a Caravan type vehicle breaking glass on its' sides and rear. While it was in front of us we did not see the car get hit. Our focus was stuck on first the noise and then the truck spinning and floating to the front of us. This took less then five seconds.

Several neighbors left their cars and raced to the scene.

The pictures were taken about 30 minutes after the initial accident.

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