Wednesday, September 14, 2011



On Tuesday Night (Sep 13) the Lady and I were on our way home from "Baby Sitting." It was emergency duty, but not like the emergency we ran into (But not Over) on our way home.

As we turned into the Right Hand Turn Lane we saw a "Palm Frond." A split second later we realized this was One Huge Gator.  Judge it's size yourself from the picture. 

We called the Sheriff and secured the scene using our emergency flashers and flash light. The training in CERT, coupled with past experience, paid off as we did stop the man who ran over the Gator, and kept him from approaching it. We kept him safe while waiting for a quick response from the Collier Sheriff.

This Alligator was alive, and nasty. Sorry we didn't get the picture of it with its' head in the air and mouth wide open. What a scary sight.

Hope you guys like this picture. Wish it was better.

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