The two guys on the outside of the l.ower Row are 1200 miles away from their home in beautiful Naples, FL. They are not lost! They traveled North to visit their cousins in New Jersey.
Thanks to the young lady with the camera we got a picture to share. The five "cousins" are: Zak, Conner, Cameron in the bottom row, and Haakon and Katelyn.
They are all grandchildren, and represent a tad less then half of our flock. It's good to see them together; it's good to see one guy in a Blue Shirt (We like that color); and it's good the Lady here, in The Walk, doesn't have to wash it.
Cute! Glad the boys got to see their cousins. Hopefully, I'll get to see them soon too. Miss you guys.
We miss you too. Lots of love in your direction from here.
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