The "Queen" went to the Indian Casino for a haircut and left the keyboard unattended. The "Old Guy" will give it some use now. The big item worth noting was this writers day out. It seems the "Old Guy" ventured out on a fishing expedition off Marco with a neighbor.
The neighbor supplied everything and five miles out we put the lines in the water. I hoped that any fish with half a brain would stay away from me. My experience with fish is the seafood section of Publix.
After thirty minutes, and no bites, my neighbor checked my line. He knows all about fishing, bait and hooks. He proceeded to ruin my day. He insisted that I use bait and a hook.
Forty minutes went by, and then I nearly got pulled into the gulf. I got something. Maybe something got me. I reeled the "whale" in real slow and careful. It took at least a day (5 minutes) to land this killer fish. My neighbor got it the boat and we measured it. The thing was 31 inches long. It had nice color and markings on. It was a Striped Bass according to the book we used to look it up.
Well that made for a nice few hours on the sea and I didn't even have to walk home. I did have to buy the beer as I caught the only fish. I just hope the "Queen" doesn't find out I went out while she was out losing money.
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