Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The keyboard has been taken away from the old guy again as this Lady is back and is determined to keep him out of trouble.

Glad to report to friends and neighbors that Jersey is still there. First they tried to freeze it, then they tried to flood it. No matter what they did it remains - Same Old Jersey.

Well I got to run as someone is looking for a safety pin so he can go fishing with Dino - Our neighbor with the yacht.


Bruno said...

Thank goodness, Lois, lock the computer up when you go away.Hope you had a nice visit.
I wonder, did you ever figure out who I am from the job?

Jersey Chief said...

Your comments are welcome (if nice) but do not think they have created a guessing game as to who you are. A friend knows how to say "Hello" so Dino just try to be a good neighbor! KD