Monday, January 11, 2010


It has been suggested that the publisher of this blog retire or use the "Assistant" to write more articles. One of our friends has pointed out that our temporary help is excellent with spelling and grammar. In some quarters that would make one grab his blanket and take a walk. This, however, is a friendly family blog so the suggestion will implemented.

When V. W. Resident ultimately grabs a pen to write maybe the critics can give the Big Ape a break on his spelling. Personally this neighbor would like to see him do some real work.


Mary said...

As you have refered to yourself as the Big Ape, we wont argue the point, but dear boy, the association pays you well publish this site, this latest posting is nothing but a rambling, let your associate help you. Its alright to accept help, and dear boy, next time I see you, and that's almost daily, stop and say hello, act as you speak and be a good neighbor.

Jersey Chief said...

Hi Mary,

I want to thank you for making me smile. Brew up some coffee. I'll stop by, and share it & some laughs with you. Maybe we can figure out a way to get me a raise.
