Wednesday, March 11, 2009


My Lady tells me it has been quite cold here. She thinks I don't know it. My bones really shiver which actually helps me walk better. But what about this kid?

That's Conner. He is only a few months old here, but he has grown. Even in the N.J. cold he still manages to get outside and have a nice healthy look about him. Who got that hat for him? I thought they stopped hats like that ages ago.

Stay warm Conner. We will see you soon kiddo!


Cheryl Selden said...

I think he looks warm! Cool picture.

Anonymous said...

Aww...He looks so adorable!! Caliana and the boys say "Hi Connor!"

Cindy B said...

I love the hat!!! Connor doesn't seem to mind it either -- anything to stay warm and up here.