Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Recently V.W. Resident heard a neighbor saying the charge for our cable TV is too high. She said, she was able to get her TV on her own using the antenna she brought with her when she moved into "The Walk. Of course those "rabbit ears" only bring in 6 channels.

If we all did as she suggests we could reduce our monthly maintenance fee by $30. Thirty dollars is a nice chunk of change. This deserves a closer look.

Most (not statistically determined) people only watch 6 channels. The problem is "my" six channels versus your six channels, versus everyone Else's adds up to a much larger number of channels. Where is one going to find "rabbit ears" that can get all the channels most people want?

In the "Opinion of One" $30 is a good deal, as if she purchased basic service on her own it would cost her more than $50. Occassionally she could look at some other channels.

Unfortunately she is 'set in her ways', and is going to pay her $30 anyway in her maintenance fee, but still use her "rabbit ears" for those six channels. She also is going to, with government help, upgrade that signal. She advises to check her out on the link below.


We hope You Tube still has this clip on their site. It makes the whole question of cable costs understandable.


Mary said...

Once again you've posted non sence on a site the residents are paying for. The cable tv costs have always been in place, and are a bargain. If they didnt want to have cable included in their fees they should have bought a home in a diferent community. This is not a new expense, its alays been there from day one. You hav eprinted many false facts, isnt it time we get correct information.

Jersey Chief said...

Please read this story again, The only intent was to look at "out" budget and give cable costs a "fair" look. The article and your comment are synonymous.

Nobody has written to say this expense is out of line. That is good. If there are factual errors please point them out.