It is near the end of the year and hopefully all the bills have been paid.
For those of us in "The Walk" a new year will soon be upon us and the first of our new Quarterly fees will be due. Yes, there was an increase. It was far from huge. It is hoped that it is a manageable increase for all. It is what it is.
The "Opinion of One" will cease with this post. It was fun looking at the budget lines that impact our community. We gained some understanding and perspective on the 'nuts and bolts' that go into our H.O.A. Dues. In doing this we certainly did not become an expert on the budget, but did become informed. That is good and hopefully not offensive to anyone, as our goal was to be positive.
Now is time for the Northern gang (NJ-NY) to sit down and look over their income and expenses. A little planning will make you happy campers down the road. Know where it goes guys.
I suggest you take an English course in night school. Its hard to belive Divosta still pays you to write this jibberish.
Lighten up! I'm pretty sure no one's getting paid for a personal blog.
I beg your pardon but our association dues pays fro this blog, the writter is a Divosta employee. We deserve current, accurare information.
Hmmm...I'm not sure what gave you that idea. I'm pretty close with this blogger (he's my Dad) and I assure none of your association dues are going towards this blog. Do some fact checking with Divosta if you're still not convinced.
Personally, I think it's great that he's picked up a new hobby (blogging) in his retirement and that he cares enough about his community at Verona Walk to write about it from time to time.
Merry Christmas!
I have to agree that it's nice that V W Resident takes the time to inform his fellow Walk residents. If I read the post correctly there was an explanation of the increase and where the money is going. If you have a problem...go to a meeting and ask questions or just speak up.
Might I add that while you call this "jibberish" it sure seems like you can't turn away. No one is forcing you to read it...and by the way the correct spelling is it's not its, for not fro and accurate not accurare. V W could have pointed that out, but he's not that petty.
Have a Happy New Year.
On another note I enjoyed your posts on various HOA budget lines. The link to the "little old lady" was cute, but I'll take cable, and as you wrote it is a good deal !
Thanks for taking the time to post this stuff.
Cheryl, I do attend meetings, and do stay informed, much of the information placed here isnt accurate, and one persons opinion. We do pay for this web site, its a line item in our budget. Look at it yourself, every home owner gets a copy annually. We should recive accurate information and no self centered postings on something we do indeed pay for.
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