Sunday, July 6, 2008


Safety begins at home. Each of us has to recognize that he/she is responsible for our own safety.

V.W. Resident has a neighbor who said, "The key to your safety is being aware." Knowing what to do in an emergency can help not only the individual, but family members and neighbors. "Each of us needs to develop a personal plan, so we can be effective in an emergency."

With the tropical storm season upon us the first "rule of thumb" is to keep informed. V.W's Friend offered these tips to "keep you in the loop." Take a minute when on line and visit: This site tracks tropical storms and can quickly provide you with valuable information. Another means of getting information at your fingertips involves signing up for emergency rmail or text messages by going to: Once registered one need not do anything, except expect a warning message when there is a need to have certain information.

V.W. suggests friends and neighbors make a note of these "tools" that can be a help to us. When V.W. learns some more he'll pass it along.