VeronaWalk is not limited to the front gate, or the protective wall that surrounds our homes. The gate and wall are only physical barriers.
Beyond the wall we are all connected to special people, such as friends, kids, and grand children. They may be far away, but they are connected to us. We call them. They call us. We take turns visiting. We enjoy each other.
V.W. Resident has a ton of connections beyond our community. One of those connections lives 'Up North.' She calls almost every day to make sure this 'old guy' isn't getting in trouble. She lights up the day when she puts her little girl on the phone to say: "Hi Grandma or Hello Poppy." She is a good Mom, and a good daughter. V.W. is very proud of her, and the young man she married. This joy is reflected in the above pictures of: "Three Generations," and the "Honored Anniversary Couple."
Today is their fifth anniversary. They will celebrate for sure, but not alone. They have added one to their household, and this little one makes every day special. The tyke is growing quickly, and for sure will help her 'mom & dad' celebrate this marking of time.
The glasses will touch here in "The Walk" as the proud parents (and Grand Parents) toast this day too. V.W. will limit his words in this post, only to say: "Enjoy this Day of Happiness, that we share with you.
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