Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Day at the Naples Zoo

Well Guess where V.W.R. was on the first Saturday in May. Yeah, home in the pool.

The young lady up the street had a much different day. The Neighbor had a "date." Well I guess she can afford todays' gas prices and "run off spending money" on a good time.

She showed me some of her pictures. Personally V.W.R. thinks she is "robbing the cradle" dating this little guy. I can't believe she let him go pet this Tiger. Look how big he is.

Well when I had a few minutes to talk to her I got the facts. First Saturday of the month is "free admission" to the Naples Zoo. It is a great place to visit. Maybe V.W.R will see you there in June. Just beware of someone "lurking" just off the trail.