Prior to making their decision on the manager there are some background facts that should be shared.
The current Management Company (SWPM) has been in violation of the existing contract for several years. They have a documented record of failure to comply with BOD requests. The BOD directed over a year ago that the Contract Committee review other vendors, which they did concluding with recommendations for two companies to be further considered by the BOD. A good deal of work was put into this effort.
The Committee carried (with their direct charge to review other vendors) a desire to secure current employees. Every company interviewed was made aware of this, and the two companies recommended to the BOD indicated their willingness to engage and hire current employees if possible.
The current Managing company, while not in agreement with the BOD on other points, demanded the HOA pay 20 - 40% of their salaries to secure a "release" of these fine workers. Near the end of Oct. it was learned that the staff actually was employees of an Personnel Service Company. This confused negotiations, but might have made salvaging workers jobs something that could be done.
Shortly after the above discovery the management company advised the BOD to sign a new contract (with issues not resolved) or accept notice of termination of the relationship between them and our Community.
The BOD has now moved to re-interview the Companies that were recommended previously by the Contract Committee. A third company was added as a last minute contender to the interview list for BOD's consideration. This addition was made contrary to the stated procedure where vendors names are to be presented by Contract Committee. This addition brings a foul smell with it, and could leave the door open for criticism.
In this writers opinion the BOD should make their decision by choosing one of the two recommended companies (excluding the newly added company). The two companies are Cardinal Management and First Services Group. Both of these companies were fully vetted by the Contract Committee. Both of these companies were interviewed by the BOD.
Any opinions on this subject should be sent to your BOD members prior to Wednesday's Meeting