Sunday, June 29, 2014


Here we go another JOKE. This one has made its' way around VW, but finally landed in the "In Box" to post for you to enjoy.


This happened about 6  months ago on Louisiana Hwy 57, just outside of Dulac, a little town in the  bayou country of Louisiana, and while it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale,  it's real. An Ohio businessman, Paul Robins, abandoned his disabled vehicle on  the side of the road, and attempted to hitchhike. The night was pitch dark in  the middle of a thunderstorm. Time passed slowly and no cars went by. It was  raining so hard he could hardly see his hand in front of his face. 

Suddenly, through the sheets of rain, he saw a car moving slowly,  approaching and appearing ghost-like in the rain. It slowly and silently crept  toward him and stopped. Desperately needing a ride, Paul jumped in the car and  closed the door. Only then did he realize that there was no one behind the wheel  and no sound of an engine to be heard over the rain. 
Again the car crept silently forward and Paul was terrified, too scared  to think of jumping out and running.. He saw that the car was approaching a  sharp curve and, still too scared to jump out, he started to pray and beg for  his life; he was sure the ghost car would go off the road and into the bayou and  he would then drown! 

But just before the curve, a shadowy hand appeared at the driver's  window, reached in and turned the steering wheel, guiding the car safely around  the bend. Then, just as silently, the hand disappeared through the window and  Paul was alone again. 
Paralyzed with fear, Paul watched the hand reappear every time they  reached a curve. Finally, scared nearly to death, Paul had all he could take,  jumped out of the car, and ran to town
Wet and in shock, he went into Schmoopy's. Voice quavering, he ordered  two cups of coffee, black, and then told everybody about his supernatural  experience. The room became silent and everybody got goose bumps when they  realized Paul was telling the truth and was not just some drunk. About 30  minutes later two Cajuns, dripping wet, walked into Schmoopy's and one says to  the other:

"Look, Boudreaux, ders dat idiot what rode in our car when we wuz pushin'  it in da rain!!!"

Saturday, June 28, 2014


HERE is the number at the end of JUNE.  It is $19.89

We  have been following this stock for several years after making an initial investment of $6.42 - using monoply funds.

So far we are up threefold.

Of course there was a point where we were down about 50%.

Friday, June 27, 2014


When our trip North fizzled, the Clan from up North decided to share a moment from their outing to Turtle Back Zoo.

The Zoo is in West Orange, NJ. The "Old Guy" (our publisher) actually recalls when the Zoo was built, and then taking the mother of these four grandchildren to play with the animals. 

Now Mom (Cathy) has four to herd around. While we missed seeing them in the flesh, we did get to share the moment through the picture above. Hope you all like it too.

The kids are: Katelyn, Conner, Joanna, and Ryan.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


The First Wednesday of July is the 2nd, and it is only a few days away, so if you plan to attend the VeronaWalk Gentleman's Lunch it is time to sign up.

The gang is going to Carrabba's which will open just for the members of this Group.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


We posted a view of our creek about a month ago wondering when the summer rains would fill it up. Look at it now. It is creeping upward. Our car even got washed.

We will check on the water level in a month or so.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Would you believe there was a large crowd at meeting to organize the Street Representatives into a viable organization. Well it happened on June 12th.

The group had an initial meeting at Town Center at 2:00. It lasted for about one hour. The goal, from our Board and from concerned neighbors, is to have an open, and effective means of communication. Building such a bridge is important in order to have a well informed and involved community.

It appears that there is a mixture of just how streets are functioning. A few are very active doing things like serving up burgers, and sharing information via electronic media etc.

In an effort to pull the Representatives closer a Steering Committee was created. Members of the community are encouraged to look for follow-up information from this group and support it.  

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Wow ! Daughter number one is having a birthday today.

Can't believe it. In the space of her lifetime I had a career, and a retirement. With all that she remains only 25.

Well we hope this is a special day for her and that she feels like  Queen. 

The picture is a gift the "Old Guy" gave her a couple years ago. It is antique medical equipment. She has an interest in the medical world where she is an orthopedic nurse. 



Monday, June 9, 2014


Several home owners have received a letter (at your expense) to give them a "friendly reminder" to clean your roof. Penalties could be imposed in event of failure to comply.

The problem, as some see it, is the issue of  whos' job it is to clean roofs, and to paint house exteriors. The issue has been discussed by the Board. They moved that there be a question on the ballot for home owners decide the issue. This will be done at the March meeting in 2015.  

 The HOA Documents  currently say it is the Association's responsibility to do the above mentioned work.  The HOA has not done this work since day one. They now want to officially shift responsibility to the owner. At the same time many owners want the responsibility to be in their own hands.

The Boards' motion was: To give home owners the responsibility by changing our ruling documents. A 51% vote is required.

The bottom line is the roofs should be cleaned, and houses painted when needed. There will always be a cost. It is a matter of: Who is collecting,  controlling the funds, and scheduling the work. Can the home owner be trusted to do the job, or is the HOA better at scheduling and doing the job.

There are probably many other issues, but the good thing is the home owners will make the decision.  Lets make the right decision. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014


A proposal has been made to make the driveway at our local gas station into "Two-Way" traffic. It has been "One-Way" since opening, or within a few weeks of opening.

Nobody seems in favor of making a change. Some say the local Sheriff will stop his patrol if a change isn't made. Some observers say this whole proposal is a Mickey Mouse idea.

We checked. Our Sheriff states, His Office has no interest with what we do with our "private driveway". So lets not go ask that office for another opinion.

 "The Mouse" too reveals he wants nothing to do with this proposal. 

Now all that is needed is for our Directors to do their job, and simply, again, say NO!

Friday, June 6, 2014


The Gentlemen's Lunch Group drew another large crowd this past Wednesday at Tewksbury.

Our Guys were treated to a fabulous view of the golf course, and enjoyed the amenities of a fine clubhouse.

The guys encourage members to attend and support other men's lunches as well as activities in the community. Their next luncheon will be at Carrabbas in July.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Our activities office scheduled a trip on the local favorite "Double Sunshine" to celebrate Memorial Day.

The double decker leaves from Tin City and proceeds along the Gordon River into the Gulf. On the way there are huge mansions, and huge boats.

The goal was to get a couple nice sunset pictures and we did. Check them out below.


Sunday, June 1, 2014


The VeronaGentlemen's Group will have their next luncheon at Tewksbury on June 4, 2014. This is in Royal Woods CC.

It's not to late to add your name to list of those attending.

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There is one date to note this month, and this lady knows it very well. It was daughter number one. 

The "Old Guy" should not have a problem remembering this, but I will keep an eye open in case he forgets.