Friday, May 31, 2013


Another month has gone into the books and it is time to look at the builders stock. I should be one of their sales representatives the way I push this stock. Maybe I'll check their hiring requirements. At a minimum I know how to read, write and tell time. That should help. 

Our imaginary shares are selling at $22.30 at the present time. I should have really purchased this when it was down !!!!  

We have a profit on our shares of  $14.93 per share or a total of $1588.00. That is terrific. It puts us in a deep GREEN

Tell Washington DC of our wonderful green status!  Oops here comes IRS and the EPA. Better watch what I write. I hope we are here next month and the profit and our free speech is alive and kicking. 


Here is a joke from a neighbor who hardly ever tells a joke or funny story. Glad he woke up. Hope you like it.

A police officer pulls over a driver and informs him that he has just won $5,000 in a safety competition, all because he is wearing his seat belt.

"What are you going to do with the prize money?" the officer asks.

The man responds, "I guess I'll go to driving school and get my license."

His wife says, "Officer, don't listen to him. He's a smart aleck when he's drunk."

The guy in the back seat pops up out from under the blanket and says, "I knew we wouldn't get far in this stolen car."

Just then a knock comes from the trunk and a voice calls out, "Are we over the border yet?"

Thursday, May 30, 2013


We took a ride across Alligator Alley on Monday and found no traffic at all on the roads until we got to Fort Lauderdale. By then it didn't matter. 

We parked the car and spent the night at Bahia Mar. The hotel is right on the beach and has great views of the ocean and the marina.

At night we did the old stand by trip on the Jungle Queen. All those homes that I couldn't afford seemed to be showcased just for me.

The highlight of the cruise was actually seeing Wayne Hyzinga. He waved too. 

On my budget I was just glad to get some neat pictures to share. Enjoy them.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


It is time to start thinking about Hurricane Season.  It will be on us soon and one should be prepared. Take a look at the pictures above and see what "Fay" did to our community a few years ago. Get motivated, now ! 

Take a minute and jot down some thoughts on what action you will take when a Hurricane Warning is in effect.  Be prepared. Take time now and buy batteries, water etc.

If you are a "Special Needs" individual you should register with Collier County so help can be there if and when needed. This blog first put a focus on this subject a few years ago, and we are pleased to keep doing it. If you need to register you may get the appropriate form at Town Center.

 Our Safety Guy is concerned about all you good neighbors and wants you to be prepared.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Memorial Day!  It is not the first day of Summer !!!

We did our preaching over and over regarding the meaning of this day in prior posts. This is the Day (actual date is 30th) to remember people and their actions.

Last year we remembered the wife's father and do so again. This picture taken in 1943 is   his ship. The SS Denver (picture) is on our wall at home. It gives cause for daily recognition.

We also add to the list of family members a Great Great Uncle who served in the Civil War.  A medal that he was awarded has found its way to us. It  is also on display. It reads: "Ready to die for the honor of our Country."

These items give true meaning to today's' holiday. Remembering these events and people is more then nice. Doing that makes the day a kind of "Memorial Day" with real meaning. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013


It is the time of year when a lot of people head North. We will take a short trip too, but for the next few days we will enjoy a brief visit from our daughter.

She left Manhattan to get some clean air and some Sun. If we can haul her off the beach we just might squeeze in in an hour or two with her. That's OK. The visit is always welcome, and we like her with her feet on the ground.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Well the price was right - ten bucks.

That might be only half of it. The fact that the dance on May 18th was for the benefit of the Performing Arts Group had a lot to do with the great turnout. 

Everyone brought some food and drink for the tables, and music was provided by the community's own Jersey Joe. He rocked the place and filled the dance floor. The winning of the "Trendsetters Award" was on everyone's mind, and an appropriate banner decorated the wall. There was also a copy of a news article describing the award, and PAC, on every table.

After the bell rang sending everyone home the donations tallied well over $1000. Way to go!

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Maria is her name. She will be the new Activities Director for our Community We have learned her starting date is June 10.

Stop up and say "Hello, Good Luck and so on.


Thursday, May 16, 2013


The cruise this month was special. It was Mother's day.

The "Double Sunshine" took the gang out from its' Gordon River Home in Tin City. This was a couple of days ago. The Mom's were quite happy as it  was "their day."

First thing, as always, on the ships agenda, was to look at all those homes you can't afford. After several deep breaths the  mighty "Double Sunshine" chugged out to the Gulf of Mexico.

It didn't take long for the Sun to set with the "clicks" of the cameras' catching every minute of  it.


Every week a group from Rummy Kube would attend the Bone Fish Grill for that $5.00 special. Then the rumor the price was going up, and other things, and the visits dropped off.

On this past Wednesday it looked like several small groups (4 total) all came around the same hour (just ahead of the rush) to again enjoy a bargain.

Everyone ordered the Shrimp. Twenty plus pieces of nice sized babies on lettuce. Hmm maybe we have a summer thing to look forward to without the big crowds. Hope so.

Monday, May 13, 2013


On Saturday, May 11th our Meeting room was packed with nearly 200 residents who gathered to  say farewell to our pal Julie. She served us for almost four years as Activities Director.

Everyone brought an array fine food to place on a serving table fit for the Kings and Queens of our community. It was great eating, but also a happy/sad moment.

Following the meal we all listened to fine words of praise for Julie who announced that she is leaving us with a bank of $40,000 for future activities. That sure put smiles on our faces.

Music was provided by "Jersey Joe" and there was also a performance from our own VW Chorus.  

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Happy Mother's Day

I believe this is the most popular holiday of the year. MOM'S DAY

Try to get a restaurant reservation, and you too will share my thought, that this is the busiest time of the year.

We intend to just lay back and wait for all those calls from the kids. and their kids. We did the same thing last year. Glad there is no charge for these long distance phone calls like in the old days. 

Have a great day my Queen

Monday, May 6, 2013


The First Saturday in May. That is the day that is "Big" in Kentucky and all over the U.S.

I don't usually watch the ponies, or go to the track, but this race is always one that catches my attention. It is interesting to see the people who attend, especially the celebrities. I also enjoy hearing the predictions from those "experts." I even had my $2.00 ready for the big bet.

Well it takes more time to hear the "Bell" that starts the race then it does to run around the track. Anyway this year the guy that got the win was  "ORB."  What a name !

Now I couldn't get a picture of the horse and jockey, but I do have something I want to substitute for you all. She loves horses and rode this beast right behind "The Walk."  Good memories.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


The end of April and the beginning of May were wet days for sure. We spent almost a whole week in the house watching it rain.

Well I didn't have to water the pants. They look pretty good. The Magnolia Tree is doing well, the grass is Green, and the water level is not so bad.

With rainy season ahead I know these canals will be looking great soon.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Our reporter was there and said, "What a nice crowd."

With the Season over only a couple dozen VeronaWalk Gentlemen were expected, but the actual number was double that figure.

One could speculate that attendance was good because of the fine Gentlemen in the Lunch Group, which certainly is true,  however We have heard that poor weather up North is keeping more members at their southern homes.

What ever the reason it was good to see another fine crowd enjoying their monthly lunch. It was held at Gordon's on the River.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Our Grand-Daughter is in Ohio. She attends Ohio Wesleyan. She got the news out late last night that , as a result of a shooting, her campus was put on a "lock down."

We didn't get any specific information regarding the campus, but did hear a lot of "Nearby" and "In the Area" reports. They were scary even though we believed all was well at the college. We are very glad our Cass is OK. Bet she can't wait to come home soon.

Here is the full story and a video from Ohio.  

See below:

 Delaware police say they have one man in custody
 following a shooting Thursday night.

Joshua Mosely Jr., 18, was arrested and charged with felonious assault.

Police said 19-year-old Darrell Ginyard was shot around 8:00 p.m. near
 Woodward Elementary School. 

Officers said there was a fight and Ginyard was shot in the upper chest.

He was flown to OSU Wexner Medical Center. No word on his condition
 at this time. 

Ohio Wesleyan University sent out an alert to students after the
 shooting telling them to remain inside.

Watch 10TV News and refresh for the latest.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Our Social Secretary has been under the weather for a while so even she can't think of a major birthday. Sorry if we miss anyone.