Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Another year and the jokes from the friends keep rolling in. Here is another we will share with you. It is from a good neighbor and we trust it has hit the email file by now.


Liar Sermon

A minister wound up the services one morning by saying, "Next Sunday I'm going to preach on the subject of liars. And in this connection, as a preparation for my discourse, I would like you all to read the seventeenth chapter of Mark."

The following Sunday the preacher rose to begin and said, "Now, then, all of you who have done as I requested and read the seventeenth chapter of Mark,  please raise your hands."

Nearly every hand in the congregation went up.

Then said the preacher, "You are the people I want to talk to... There is no seventeenth chapter of Mark !!!"

Monday, April 29, 2013


We are still tracking our fictitious investment with Pulte Stock. You know by now we invested at $6.42 and had our doubts. At one point we thought the company was going out of business.

When we last checked, near the end of April it was listed at $20.87  Double digits for sure.  Wow.

Sunday, April 28, 2013



by Diane Brueggeman


On April 5th, 2013 The Performing Arts Center of Verona Walk was presented the Trendsetter Award of Florida at the 2013 Community of Excellence Conference &  Award Gala, in St. Petersburg Florida.

On hand to receive this Award for our Community was our Town Manager Lynn Ross who did a great job representing the Performing Arts, explaining  how our community enjoys coming together to dance, sing, perform and  then  give back to the community of Naples and Collier County thru our Fundraisers.

Our Calendar Girl Fundraiser  raised over $8,000 for the Eden School of Autism and our Broadway Show raised over $15,000 for AVOW Hospice.

The Performing Arts is about getting people off the couch and to do all the things they never had the time to do. It’s about neighbors and friends willing to volunteer bringing their talent, expertise and time to continue to make Verona Walk the most desirable Community to call home.

Thank you Lynn for accepting this award for our Community.
The Performing Arts would like to say Thank You to all our residents who volunteer: The Verona Walk Dancers, their dance Instructor Michele Azzolina, The Verona Walk Chorus and their Director of Music Joe Fusco, Cathy Freed our very talented Costume Designer, our Photographer Denis Beyer and last but not least ALL the wonderful Sponsors who are helping making a Dream come true.

The Star Trophy will be on display at the Town Center as soon as we get our Trophy Case. Right now it is safely being taken care of in the Town Managers Office.

Again, CONGRATULATIONS to all the residents of the Verona Walk Community and The Performing Arts Center for winning this great award know as :


Saturday, April 27, 2013


The "First Wednesday of the  Month" is only a few days away. That means it is time to check your Viva for more information and sign up.

The lunch will be at Gordons on the River. That is near Naples Airport (North Rd).

It is a nice place from all reports. A planned Agenda will ensure a great time for all partcipants.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Hey, this is good news. That is the Grandson in the Green shirt. I don't know why those kids in orange are chasing him, but forget it. He is FAST !

Word is out that he can jump pretty good too. 

We are proud of him, and hope you all enjoy seeing his pictures. If he ever visits I can teach him some things about track. 


The news is all around our campus. Our good friend and Activities Director is leaving for a new position. This is a great thing for our Lady and we extend our best wishes. She has been a good friend to a lot of us.

Further news from the community gang is there will be a send off party on May 11 Th at Town Center.

The "Old Guy" mumble something about bringing his camera. I am sure he will try to get you some pictures.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


We don't know how this escaped us, but the blog owners skipped out of town a few days ago and, of all places, went to Disney. They didn't even get their trusty neighbor to keep an eye on the keyboard.

Well they are back now. We learned they went with friends from "The Walk" and spent three nights at the Riverside. That part was good, however there is always a "but."

The three nights turned into seven as "The Lady" took ill and spent a few days in local Hospital. It was a painful exprience, but the morphine and antibiotics are doing their job.

Now that they are home things looking up. Enjoy the pictures. They are good therapy.

Friday, April 19, 2013


No news about Rummy Kube in a while so we sent our roving reporter out Sunday. The report was just filed and states the gang was present. Everyone had their eyes on the chips, and a hand on their quarter.

We will start watching this fun activity again and fill you in when something cool happens.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


We have heard from good sources that our community was the winner of a second award. This one was for safety and the local CERT team.

Complete information on this is not available at this time, but when we have more we will share the information.



Our Community has a Performing Arts Committee which is looking for sponsors. The cost for the year is $25.

The money is used to defray costs of productions that the group develops such as the recent Fashion Show, and last years hit "Broadway.

A couple of pictures are displayed above. One is of "your friends" on the Committee. Enjoy them and think about helping out by being a Sponsor.

With the card comes a 10% discount for an entree at Cafe Verona. The Cafe has been very helpful working with PAC to do productions that return profits to the community.  Last year over $15,000 was raised to benefit Avow Hospice. That was a record.

To become a sponsor write a check payable to PAC of Verona Walk and give it to a member of the committee.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Great News !  An award for our Community.

It was recently announced that of all the communities in Florida, We were the recipients of a prestigious Trend Setters Award.

We do not have the specifics right now, but we do want to share with everyone a picture of the leaders of  the Performing Arts Committee.  PAC spearheaded the drive to gain this recognition for VW.

When we get more information we will share it. For now congratulations to the many members of PAC who made the effort to put us on the map.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Our group, The VeronaWalk Gentlemen, sponsored an evening (April 11)with their wives (significant others), at The Stage in Bonita Springs. There the gang enjoyed a fine meal before seeing the big show.

The show that night was a Neil Diamond Tribute Band. The entertainer has won many awards for his performances  and is rated number one in the South East U.S.

Initially our group was "sold out" however we manged to secure extra seating so everyone who wished to come could get into the show. Even Sweet Caroline showed up and helped everyone sing along.

Considering the success the Gentlemen's Group had with this production a repeat just might be offered next year. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Word is "officially" in that one more is on the way. That word "official" is a real big deal up North. It means only a few short  months to due date.

This will be number four for Cathy and Jason, who live in New Providence, NJ.  Her kids are excited, but not as much as Grandma.

The new baby will be grandchild number 14. 

Congratulations Cathy and Jason.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


As advertised - Fabulous Event  !

The Lunch at Shula's is the highlight of the year for our community's VeronaWalk Gentlemen's Group.  Even with many members having departed for points North there were a good forty in attendance.

While the group enjoys the camaraderie they also enjoy great food. Shula's stepped up, as usual, and provided a fine "Prime Rib" to satisfy our men.

The organized agenda made for a informative and fun meeting. We even had a visit from The Pope who gave us a nice blessing.

The Gentlemen are looking forward to doing another great lunch next month on May 1. Keep an eye out for announcements.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


The "Old Guy"and  strolled out of VeronaWalk for Easter. He drove,so it was a slow drive to our daughter's house.

Prior to eating we gathered outside to watch the kids play. It was quite a treat for us.

Zachary showed the "Old Guy" how to do some tricks on the skateboard. The lesson did not progress beyond I'll just stand still stage.

Cameron was in his glory climbing a tree. He looked right at home.

Cali was Calli. She was into "her thing" and even tried the skateboard her way. She is just like her mother - pretty. Mom is on top, followed by Zachary, Cam, and Calli

Enjoy these memories.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Hard to believe another year for this kid, and another Birthday  We hope it is special, because she is, and she deserves "her day."

Somethings never change so lets just wish the best for number 25. With my math nobody ages.


Monday, April 1, 2013


One big date this month and it is tomorrow!

I am sure he remember.