Friday, August 31, 2012


Neighbors: Thank You. Without you we would not have anything to laugh about. Here is "your" August joke.


Baby's First Doctor Visit

A woman and a baby were in the doctor's examining room, waiting for the
doctor to come in for the baby's first exam.
The doctor arrived, and examined the baby, checked his weight, and being a little concerned, asked if the baby was breast-fed or bottle-fed.
'Breast-fed', she replied....
'Well, strip down to your waist', said the doctor.
She did. He examined her nipples, pressed, kneaded, and rubbed both breasts for a while in a very professional and detailed examination.
Motioning to her to get dressed, the doctor said, 'No wonder this baby is underweight. You don't have any milk.
      "I know', she said, 

      'I'm his Grandma, but I'm glad I came."

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Well the nasty old hurricane - Sir Isaac - is gone. He spared our community, and is now in New Orleans. 

Our VeronaWalk lakes look like they got a decent amount water added to them. They look real good.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The Activities Office at Town Center advises that a neighbor in our Community has lost the Cat pictured above.

This is a nine year old Cat, that until now, has been a house pet. It got out through the screening on the lanai, and does not know how to survive outdoors. Our neighbors certainly would appreciate our help.

If anyone sees this Cat send us an email  (, and we will forward the info to Town Center and the owner directly.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Here we are at the end of another month, the eighth month of the year. Time is going too fast. It is time to see how "Our Money" is doing.

You will recall the starting number on our investment was  $6.47 or on 100 shares $647.00

After thinking we made a goof buying this stock it seems that time has changed our mind.  It is now $13.51  (8/24).

Saturday, August 25, 2012


We just opened an email from the Town Center Manager. It advises that due to Hurricane Isaac Town Center will be closed Aug 26 and 27.

Unless there is an electrical outage the plan is to reopen Tuesday.


Friday, August 24, 2012


This information just came to us via email. It is posted for our  friends who attend the Tuesday Breakfast at the Cafe Verona. This is due to the Hurricane (Isaac).  Here it is:


            TUESDAY........AUGUST 28th


The "Guy" is a hurricane!  Isaac is heading our way. Looking at its current track it should blow through the Florida Keys sometime  (8:00 AM +/-MondayAug 27 TH.

Now our homes are well built, and we never expect a "Hit",  but it always pays to be aware and take appropriate precautions.

Checking the path of a storm is a good starting point to assure your safety. 

The links below were suggested by our Safety Guy for your use.

Know where this storm is going and make sound decisions for yourself and your family.


Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hey, The World Is Not Ending Soon.

All these years We trusted those Mayans. We believed they knew it all. This comes from checking out their temples and history first hand. The "Camera Guy" took the above pictures at one of the Mayan ruins in 2005 and just wanted to share it with you, along with their story about the World Ending.

The Mayan Calender shows the world meeting its' end  in 2012. That is this year ! Well a few months ago they dug around a little more in Guatemala, and sure enough they find,  "Another King and Another Calender."  

Based on this latest "find" it looks like The World will be OK for a while;  However  there is a weather pattern heading our way!  This guy is called Issac, and at the moment is on a course to go through Marathon, Fl. Monday morning.

Judging from the current track the Mayans are OK, but those of us in South Florida might want to start calling on the Spirits of the Calusa  Indians. These Indians, once lived here, and were protected from the hurricanes. Our Safety Guy is not a big believer in this legend. He says: "Watch your TV Weather Channel,"  and  "Skip the Indian Dances".  Take Isaac seriously !

Check the site out below for weather info:


Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Our "Safety Guy" told us about an experience one of our neighbors had last night (Aug 20) with the charming little guy pictured above. As we listened to this story we were reminded to ..."leave catching alligators up to the professional. Even a little one is dangerous."

This encounter took place around 7:00 PM near the Reserve at the rear of the VeronaWalk Property. The interesting thing was the Gator was not in the water. It also wasn't even near the water ! It was up on one of our main roads.

It was first observed  jogging (quite fast too) across VW Circle. At least three cars stopped to check it out.  The gator was lucky it did not get run over by one of the vehicles. When it stopped, in the middle of the roundabout, it was captured and returned to a canal.

Our friend, always with his camera, was in one of the cars that stopped. He caught a few pictures of this incident, but did so from inside his car - safesound, and scared.

Hope you enjoy looking at the pictures.  Let them serve again as a reminder to always:  "Stay Safe.  Do not engage an alligator".

Sunday, August 19, 2012


The Lady yelled into me a few minutes ago that I should "...come see this Eagle."

Naturally it was gone by time I got out on the lanai. Then She said, "You can still see it across the canal at the end of the screen cage."  I looked, and I saw a dot. But I had a thought. Go get the camera. 

The above pictures show the "dot" that I was looking at. It certainly doesn't look like an Eagle. Maybe this is just another one of those Buzzards we see all the time.

Take a close look at the claws. What is it holding?  Is that some sort of baby or maybe food?

Friday, August 17, 2012


The good news is that the report of a burglary in the neighborhood is not an everyday occurrence.

The bad news is that one of  our VeronaWalk properties was recently entered by a bad guy or two, and personal property was removed. The owners were not at home when the event took place. Our source advised that the Sheriff is investigating the incident.

Our "Safety Guy" tells us to let this report serve as a reminder to "lock and set."  That means lock the door, and set the alarm.


Glad there are enough dogs to keep putting up one picture a month.

Above is the August pup.  These pictures for the most part are from the community's "Smooch A Pooch" event a while ago.

I think he looks good.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Wow, All it took was one month.

We posted a view of our creek about a month ago wondering when the summer rains would fill it up. Well look at it now.

One of us likes the reflection in the water too.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


He forgot the exact date, but I write them down. I even have a picture of her and her Dad at a recent family gathering at the firehouse.

Our daughter is doing her 19th anniversary today. 

Cheryl and her family are enjoying life in the Garden State. Believe it or not she has five sons. Wow

Happy Anniversary Cher


Monday, August 13, 2012


This picture was sent to us from New Jersey.

This isn't about the proud Mommy showing off her baby and saying:  "Look at her. She ate the whole thing."  

I have heard  enough comments like that with all our kids, but here is the difference. The waffle was  not Joanna's.  It was her "big"  brother's.  I hope he is learning what it means when he hears, "Sit down and eat your food." 

Sunday, August 12, 2012


The "Old Guy" always says YES when it comes to watching his buddy. We got pressed into duty and even kept the kid overnight.

With these kids of the new generation all you have to do is give them a remote and everything goes well on its' own.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


I must report what the "Old Guy" did this time. Instead of doing his exercises like the doctor tells him to do, HE plays with Ebay. Well he found a bargain. Only $.99   for this nice looking wooden statue of a sailor. He is a big spender !  He said, "I want to give it to Conner," our grandson.

The item was pick up only. That should have been "the trained investigator's" clue, but nothing registered in his brain.

It took two people to lift this thing, and it was taller than Conner himself.  When the kid saw it he was frightened to death. He is more accepting of it now, so "all is well that ends well."  

Take a look at this little statue. That's Conner on the left.

Friday, August 10, 2012


This is a real problem. 

It's a birthday for a special young lady who is really up to date with World Technology. That means she doesn't answer her cell phone, because she does those crazy text's.

She doesn't look at this antiquated blog, because she looks at Face Book, or something. 

Thank God the US Post Office still works, maybe she will see a card.

Well for what it is worth dear girl:



Tuesday, August 7, 2012


A neighbor, who paid the $125 to be part of a VeronaWalk Group,  having surveys completed for the purpose of getting a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) for Flood Insurance reasons has offered some information readers may wish to evaluate.

He made a phone call to the surveying company to get a status report regarding his LOMA. He was asked "Do you need only the LOMA" or "Do you need an Elevation Certificate (EC) too?"

In order to have the EC the survey company must visit your home to measure elevations. They may not need to do that visit to get a homeowner the LOMA. The issue is: What does your insurance carrier demand.

Allstate Insurance, for example, wants only the EC

If you are thinking of buying flood insurance, it would be very wise to examine this (EC) subject, with a knowledgeable insurance person, and/or contact the survey company to request this certificate.

Apparently the EC is not going to be provided automatically with the LOMA. Each case may be different.

Monday, August 6, 2012


It has not happened as often as it should, but this past weekend our daughters got together, and had a weekend retreat at the New Jersey Shore. All five were together !!! 

In order to do this "LJ" flew up to Jersey, and our "World Traveler" came in from Manhattan (That's over in NY). They hooked up with the Jersey Three at Bayhead.

They took these pictures, just for me, with absolutely no fuss. It looks like they had a good time.